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Phone, Tablet, Laptop, & Game Console Repair in Vacaville, CA<\/h1>\n

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2080 Harbison Drive
\nSuite C
\nVacaville, CA 95687<\/h5>\n

(707) 564-3232<\/a><\/h4>\n
<\/i> Mon-Fri 10AM-6PM
<\/i> Sat 10AM-4PM<\/h5>\n
<\/i> Sun CLOSED<\/h5>\n
(707) 564-3232<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
GET DIRECTIONS<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

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2080 Harbison Drive
Suite C
Vacaville, CA 95687
(707) 564-3232<\/p>\n

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2080 Harbison Drive
\nSuite C
\nVacaville, CA 95687<\/h5>\n

(707) 564-3232<\/a><\/h4>\n
<\/i> Mon-Fri 10AM-6PM
<\/i> Sat 10AM-4PM<\/h5>\n
<\/i> Sun CLOSED<\/h5>\n
(707) 564-3232<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
GET DIRECTIONS<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

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4.8 Stars – 800+ Google Reviews!<\/h2>\n

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<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This store is awesome! I got my iPhone screen replaced and it was the best price out of all the other shops in Vacaville and it only took an hour. If you want GREAT customer service and the lowest price, make sure to go to Repair All!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Marci Lang<\/a>
00:47 25 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Super fabulous experience! Very knowledgeable about their products and their craft. They will give you as much or as little info as you'd like to have. Facts or opinions whatever you ask for you'll get honestly and with integrity. Only been 3 hours, but my S23 Ultra is gorgeous and back on point \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\udc48 \ud83d\udc4c Ask about the liquid glass....where has it been all my life ???<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sean Sredl<\/a>
23:11 17 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was very impressed by the courtesy, knowledge, and service. My problem was resolved very quickly and the cost was very reasonable. I\u2019m so glad I didn\u2019t go to Best Buy. I will absolutely recommend and return to RepairAll for any computer for phone repair issues!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
jeanne shaw<\/a>
23:13 14 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I brought my 10 year old tablet in thinking I needed to have the charging port replaced. However, it only needed a new charging cable, thanks to an honest assessment of the issue. Thank you Repair All!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Donna Wollman<\/a>
01:17 04 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fab experience from first call to leaving the store. They were inquisitive and helpful. They gave me options other places didn't and explained why all options. Upfront, honest and fun. Yes, fun. Go see their smiling faces and allow them to serve your tech needs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kelly Chessen<\/a>
00:36 03 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Service was excellent! Very knowledgeable and friendly. The repair was well explained and the price very reasonable. Couldn\u2019t have asked for a better experience.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jaime Runner<\/a>
02:58 28 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were brilliant! Their diagnostic saved me hundreds of dollars in repairs and they went out of their way to find ways to help me with my absolutely smashed Samsung Note 20. If you're in need of repair, do yourself a favor and go see them.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tracy Gidley<\/a>
20:32 27 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was absolutely amazing\u2026 We walked in, she looked at our phone, knew exactly what the issue was, gave us a quote (very reasonable price), checked us in and asked us to give her an hour\u2026 The phone was done in less than an hour!!! She was super friendly and very knowledgeable. I would HIGHLY recommend this place if you want your phone fixed fast and fixed right! This is where I will be taking my electronics if I need to get them fixed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Stacy Griffith<\/a>
02:32 23 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great, honest service and very fair pricing. I found them on Google. I thought I needed a bigger repair as my charging port in my iPhone 11 wasn\u2019t holding the cord and what I needed was a cleaning for a lot less. They cleaned the speakers as well. Please support them. Very deserving local business.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
21:38 19 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The employees were very friendly and helpful. They greeted me when I walked through the door and was able to repair my phone within a hour. Will definitely come back for all my repair needs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
James Bounds, Jr.<\/a>
22:22 05 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My PS4 was a paperweight (wouldn\u2019t take a disc, couldn\u2019t play games, couldn\u2019t update software) and I had little hope it would work again. Someone recommended RepairALL to us so I took it in, explained the issue and soon had an optimistic solution. It took a few days but I now have a working PS4 at a reasonable price. I would highly recommend RepairALL to anyone who has electronics they want fixed\u2026in fact, they were fixing a toaster oven when I went in to pick up my gaming system.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dave and Tina Mott<\/a>
01:50 02 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Thank you for retrieving the data from my broken phone. You and your team were professional, kind supportive. The turn around time was quick and appreciated. I'm sure you will be my go to for any computer needs. Best of luck.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shelly Vandergaag<\/a>
23:58 06 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very satisfied with my repair and the staff. Great communication and quick repair. Would definitely recommend and be using again when needed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Johan Schilling<\/a>
01:52 29 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fantastic ppl who know what they are doing and very professional. Fixed our MacBook Pro my wife spilled liquor on keyboard at reasonable price. Extremely happy.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
edris safi<\/a>
23:13 20 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I would highly recommend RepairAll Vacaville. Claudia did an excellent job of restoring my drum machine. When I brought it in, she told me it would take time since she didn't usually work with this type of device. Claudia was very responsive and provided several updates on my devices progress. She quickly deduced the issue after some back ground and ordered the part. Soon after, Claudia installed and called saying the work was complete. She told me the device was working again. We ran a test at the shop to determine the device didn't recognize data. She told me it was likely caused by the initial blowout and should be fixed by replacing the card reader. After a week and a half we received the new part and the device was fully operational. Through out this process, repair all provided efficient service. The repair was completed before the quoted repair date. Thank you again!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kyle Somerville<\/a>
22:25 20 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia did an excellent job replacing my battery for my ipad, an older version\u2705 I appreciated that she was able to order the battery, I paid for it online, and at my convenience, a couple days later, I brought in my ipad, and she replaced it within ~ 45 minutes while I waited.Highly recommend her services \ud83d\ude0a<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
05:01 07 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia was amazing! Friendly and tried to work magic on my iPad. Unfortunately it was a goner. I\u2019m in Napa so this was a bit of a drive but her customer service made me pick this company over the other competitors that were closer. She stood out and I hope she gets noticed! Thank you Claudia! Have a wonderful thanksgiving!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lillie Leon<\/a>
06:14 23 Nov 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia was awesome. Quick diagnosis for our PS5 and ready for pick up the next day. Rest of the staff was extremely kind as well.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Patrick Rapozo<\/a>
23:39 17 Nov 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My camera lens was cracked and the pictures looked hazy. Repair All was able to replace the len's and camera at a very affordable price. Pictures look great again without having to replace my phone I am accustomed too. Thank you Repair All.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
alex .p<\/a>
03:47 16 Nov 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia was the best! She changed the LED light in my ipad (I dropped it and the light went out \ud83e\udd72) and now it works great! It took a few days for them to receive the part, but she ordered it right away and called me the minute it came in to provide me an ETA when my pad would be ready. She is also very nice, which made it a pleasant experience. This is always be my go to service center for my electronics. Thank you Claudia!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Carol Atkinson<\/a>
00:59 10 Nov 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> RepairAll exceeded my expectations; Claudia went above and beyond to find a solution to the power issue with my PS4, I will definitely bring all my electronics to her to fix. And I highly recommend them.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sebastian Sanchez<\/a>
01:46 07 Nov 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I needed my cracked phone fixed. I walked in just looking for an estimate, the person working today took my phone gave me a time frame and stuck exactly to it. Past her closing time. She was kind and knowledgeable. Highly recommend.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Cecilia Lawson<\/a>
02:47 10 Oct 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Wow, this is a Nice place! Claudia and Derrick did a great job! They were very nice and friendly, very informative and very quick and I will definitely come back and will definitely tell my friends.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Robert Alcorn<\/a>
03:18 30 Sep 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Overall, the service was excellent. I brought in my IPad and a IPhone that had water damage and I was so concerned that the information on the phone would be lost. The techs not only recovered all of the information, but also place all the info on a flash drive as backup. I would highly recommend this place for electronic repairs. Very nice people.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mr. Davis<\/a>
22:46 08 Sep 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Easy to walk in and she was super knowledgeable. There wasn\u2019t even a problem with my laptop like I thought there was. She fixed the small issue and didn\u2019t even charge me. I\u2019ll be back with the rest of my old game consoles<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Guy Preciado<\/a>
21:00 08 Sep 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia at RepairAll replaced my cracked Samsung Galaxy S21U 5G phone screen in under an hour. Absolutely perfect. She's so nice and personable. I highly recommend her workmanship.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
A 166<\/a>
19:05 25 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service! I had the camera on my phone repaired at RepairALL. No appointment necessary, just walked in. They had the part I needed in stock and the repair was completed in just a few minutes. Good as new, and saved me the cost of a new phone. Staff was friendly and professional. Would definitely recommend them for phone repairs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Rick Carr<\/a>
00:30 15 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service they will take care of you! Dropped my Xbox one X off Thursday thinking it was an hdmi issue but turned out to be a more difficult one with the image card after they diagnosed my initial thought, they replaced it & was ready Monday for pick up. Competitive rates!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Richard Figueroa<\/a>
23:39 08 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia is wonderful! Even though she was busy, she took the time to really listen to her customers and provide excellent customer service. She was transparent about the cost and the expected length of time to repair the device.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michele DiPasquale<\/a>
19:02 05 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia was amazing! She took a toy throttle that didn\u2019t work it was 40 years old and she brought it back to life it works just like new. I highly recommend this place not only did she do a great job and fix something that was basically unfixable but she was so nice and patient with me this place deserves six stars! Thanks Ralph<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ralph Barbero<\/a>
00:40 02 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I needed a new screen for my I phone 7 plus. Claudia had it in stock and I also got a new screen protector. It was repaired in one hour for about $118. Looks like new. Can\u2019t beat the service and the cost!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shannon Garner<\/a>
22:58 01 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia was amazing from the time that I spoke with her early in the morning to see if they had the parts that I needed for my Samsung until late afternoon towards closing when she fixed my phone. She was very knowledgeable and gave me information about parts that I had never been told before by other people that have worked on my phone in the past. She was very friendly and you can tell she knew her stuff. I highly recommend Claudia and Repair All in Vacaville.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
minnie glynn<\/a>
02:22 26 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I walked in with an oddball request. I had a projector with a jammed focus wheel. Claudia was great and let me know that Joe would be around on mondays, and he's who I should talk to. Joe followed through and fixed the focus wheel. Thanks RepairALL!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Nick Howlett<\/a>
04:16 25 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was referred to Repair All by my cell phone provider. The tablet we had was cracked and needed repaired. They were reasonably priced and the repair was done on time. Everyone was very friendly and I appreciate the great service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Nicole Marino<\/a>
00:58 25 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The repair technician was very friendly, knowledgeable, and approachable. She kept me informed and gave me an accurate quote. I will return the next time I need something fixed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
TJ Mathews-Nack<\/a>
02:10 13 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Even with a really busy shop, Claudia was quick and efficient in repairing my phone to its original condition. It looks and functions as if it was brand new! Should we need any repair work in the future, we will not hesitate to choose RepairALL again. Thank you Claudia!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
LP Shelton<\/a>
20:31 17 Apr 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> RepairALL saved the day! My battery died completely and they had a new one installed within one hour! I use my phone to conduct business, so their quick service was a life saver!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Unleashed Coffee<\/a>
21:24 11 Apr 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Claudia was about to close when we ran in to see how much it would be to replace the battery in my iPhone. She did it right there and then. And cleaned up the ports as well! So fast and efficient! And she had a wonderful disposition! I will continue to bring my business to her! Thank you Claudia!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Renee Buckley<\/a>
02:03 11 Apr 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The best price of 3 in my area. Brooke was professional & pleasant 2 work with, she gave me a time frame & hit her time marks. Fantastic! I won't go anywhere else 4 my phone needs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Brian S.<\/a>
23:08 07 Apr 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This was actually my second choice, but they should have been my first. The other place I went said they couldn't fix my phone cause the parts were \"hard to find\". Took it to RepairALL and within seconds they told me the damage to my phone wasn't nearly as bad as I thought and they could fix it easy. About two hours it was done. They are my heros! I highly recommend them!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mylisa P.<\/a>
01:34 16 Mar 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Amazing experience. I had a cracked lens on my iPhone 13 Pro Max. Fixed in 30 minutes. Very reasonable price. Excellent customer service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mark Qualls<\/a>
00:12 07 Mar 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Quite place of repair and skills here.The host is really attentive and listened to all my questions...I fixed my ROG 3 here and she also ordered the parts on it... There was a mix up on the parts. But she went ahead and ordered another part and got my phone working in the shortest amount possible.The host is really knowledgeable in electronics and I will be going back here instead of dealing with manufacturer companies.Thank you for the quick fix!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jay Patel<\/a>
01:24 04 Mar 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very friendly and professional they recommend an advice on what it is you need fixed right away very understanding. They retrieved all my pictures and videos from my broken phone I\u2019m glad I came in.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kathy Martinez<\/a>
02:35 01 Mar 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Not sure why this ended up under my husband's name. This place is fast, friendly and amazing! Customer service is excellent! They call if any questions and a 2hr turn around time was perfect! My screen was cracked and frame bent and looks brand new. Thank you Ladies! Definitely a go to place.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jeff Herman<\/a>
23:06 28 Feb 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> RepairALL is a 10-star business for expert knowledge! I visited them and in a split second the technician identified a workaround to my problem and told me it would save me the cost of the repair of a new screen (at least $100). I was elated to save money but very very thankful for her thoughtfulness in helping me to save money! I recommend this repair shop! She\u2019s fast, she\u2019s honest, her prices are affordable (I was going to buy a screen protector but was unsure of my husband\u2019s phone model, her price on the protector was affordable). Tell anyone who needs electronic device repair to go to RepairALL in Vacaville. It\u2019s near NavyFed credit union. She\u2019s fast, she\u2019s an expert and she\u2019s trustworthy! \u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Heather 1<\/a>
15:33 28 Feb 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Came in to replace charge port due to not charging, which could have been upwards of $120. They were able to get the compacted garbage out of my port, only charging me $40 and it might as well be brand new. On time & pleasant customer service. Very satisfied!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ethan Acosta<\/a>
23:38 16 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I love my experience with RepairALL they have excellent quality service, are very helpful and are military friendly. I definitely will be back for any of my computer or electronic repair issues. My iPad had physical damage and they were able to restore it back to new. Thank you RepairALL!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Duanna Challenger-Kuethe<\/a>
23:05 10 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The staff was pleasant, professional and proficient. Although I didn\u2019t have my iPad with me, I explained the problem and they gave me the \u201ccorrect\u201d diagnosis. The repair was prompt and my iPad was ready when they said it would be. My family has used them previously and recommend their services. Thanks for being dependable!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
01:40 10 Dec 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My phone would not charge and I was eager to find help. I passed by this business many times and remembered they repaired all electronics, so I rushed over as soon as they opened to find a very helpful, friendly staff that diagnosed the issues with my phone and even replaced my cracked screen with a discounted price! The cost was reasonable and the work was done quickly in only one hour I was up and running! I will be bringing my cracked computer screen in for repair next week as well! So thankful for Repair All and the amazing service they provide!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Yvette Zeno<\/a>
23:07 07 Dec 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Took my ps4 in for repair. I had already bought a new hard drive but I am not tech savvy. So far so good. Excellent service. Will definitely bring other items here. Thank you!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dianna Elder<\/a>
00:01 19 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very helpful and professional on the phone and in person. Replaced my iPhone 11 screen in 30 minutes. Great service. Highly recommend.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Karen Villanueva<\/a>
19:50 16 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke was very knowledgeable and assuring of my repair. They replaced my broken iPhone screen and did such a good job that you can\u2019t even tell it was ever replaced. The best part is my Face ID still works! Great price as well!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
00:05 11 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was told by AT&T to go here to see if they can reset my Samsung tablet and as soon as I walked it she greeted me with such kindness and a smile. She made me feel comfortable and want to do business with this company. She told me what I needed to do and as it was close to dinner and I needed to go home to make dinner but unit was going to be done in a hour. She allowed me to go come back the next day to pick up. (She is very knowledgeable and asked all my questions to help me understand.) The best day she also greeted me with a smile and hello.I was very pleased with the service and definitely will be back. There needs to be more people out there like the front lady. Truly a blessing.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
*Emily_ Lovegood*<\/a>
21:36 16 Jul 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My son recommended RepairALL to me. My cell phone died and I needed it fixed right away. I was visiting my kids in CA and could not wait to get back to my own state to have it fixed. I was very pleased with the service Brooke provided. First of all she was friendly and knowledgeable. She new exactly what I needed. She was upfront and honest with the pricing and time frame. She delivered as promised. I highly recommend Brooke, if you can get her in the Vacaville store. Next time I have tech problem I will use RepairALL.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dee Gilmore<\/a>
01:56 18 Jun 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very polite. Clean facilities there as well. Did an amazing job repairing my phone back to good as new. Very accurate estimated time of completion quoted to me on delivery. Job well done. Highly recommended<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
00:21 14 Jun 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was amazing and super helpful in repairing my screen. I highly recommend this business for all your phone needs.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Savana Reynolds<\/a>
18:30 28 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It's because of Shantee and my first experience that I had there months ago, that there was not even a thought in my mind when my wife's screen cracked. This is definitely the place to go in the Bay Area!I would hire Shantee in my business in a heart beat.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
philip alexander<\/a>
22:53 27 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> So far, so good. Over the phone, the service options available were presented promptly and the order was placed within 5 minutes of walking into store...The part came in the next day and was installed right on schedule. Thanks a ton, Brooke.I'll contact RepairALL first if I need service again.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shane McRee<\/a>
02:51 22 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee did an amazing job repairing my s20+It was heavily damaged and she made it look perfectly brand new. \u2728\ufe0f also I was very happy with the time-frame it was done as the store was busy today when I dropped it off. ThankYou!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
jessica gibson<\/a>
04:34 19 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was amazing.AMAZING is an understatement.She really cares about her clients. She is so upbeat and welcoming. I witnessed her give extra care and attention to an older veteran and it warmed my heart to see this type of customer care still exists.We are one satisfied customer and highly recommend RepairALL<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Robyn Ballinger<\/a>
23:36 14 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> When I walked in the young lady was working on a laptop I showed her my phone and she told what the problem was and long it would take to repair. She was polite and customer focus. I am very happy I stopped by and got my phone fixed.Thank You, Shantee<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
William Newton<\/a>
21:04 07 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee has A+ customer service.I appreciate her patience and professionalism.Thank you for all the support Shantee.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Celeste D<\/a>
04:52 02 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I received great and friendly customer service. I\u2019ve had my iPhone 7plus since it first came out. The only thing wrong with it was the battery would not stay charged for a full.Now that I have a new battery it should be good for several more years.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Yessenia Fuentes Ganga<\/a>
02:30 15 Feb 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The staff was so friendly and polite! I can\u2019t believe how fast the process was as well. I would 10\/10 recommended for future repairs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Aaron Love<\/a>
21:01 10 Feb 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Definitely go here. She works fast and the repair rendered my son\u2019s phone in like new condition. Very satisfied. Also cheaper than the Batteries Plus joint in the Lowes parking lot across the freeway. The lady working there was extremely rude to a customer before me and they are charging a lot more for the service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Herbert Tecumpsah Jr.<\/a>
04:14 07 Feb 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This place has the best customer service ever. I have been there twice, to have my screen repaired on my note and they took good care of me. Shantee is always helpful and her work is extraordinary,real professionals. I recommend this place to anyone. \ud83d\udcaf<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lionel Robinson<\/a>
05:24 02 Feb 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The ladies who work here were SO professional in the delivery of their services as well as in communication. My phone was perfectly repaired to new condition, which was so much better than buying a new phone. I would go back here for sure!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Louella Campbell<\/a>
20:14 31 Jan 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> What a wonderful place and people to work with.. Patient kind ,knowledgeable. Shantae was amazing<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Janice Aldrich<\/a>
03:56 31 Dec 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great experience! Super professional and quick. iPhone had a badly damaged screen that shutdown, and the drop did enough to damage my otherwise from the OUTSIDE pristine camera and flash, from the inside. All was fixed and saved me from having to get a new phone for a fraction of the price. Greatly appreciated! Highly recommend!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
jesse hansen<\/a>
20:24 18 Dec 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great experience. Shantee really knew what she was doing and made sure the repair was done correctly. Highly recommend over the certified repair providers by the phone manufacturers.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Amitabh Sharma<\/a>
04:27 10 Dec 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Had my son\u2019s iPad repaired. Service was quick and the quality was excellent. Great price for a screen replacement.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jackie Ward<\/a>
04:24 30 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We had a great experience. Brooke was very nice and helpful. Fixed the phone up real quick and had us on our way.Thank you so much. Liz<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Elizabeth Caulfield<\/a>
01:27 29 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was very professional and very courteous and explain what I needed and what she couldn't do for my phone and I appreciate her candor and experience at repair all I give you the highest marks that I can five stars.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Willie Williams<\/a>
16:31 28 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Service and overall experience was amazing! Loved the expedient service with the friendly conversation. \ud83d\udc4d\u263a\ufe0f<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
April Castro<\/a>
21:28 12 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee Was super professional &' was extremely sweet! I will definitely refer you guys to everyone!! (:<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Savannah Champion<\/a>
02:22 04 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> She's awesome!!! She fixed my daughter's iPhone xr for just under 20 min.. You can even watch her how to do it. Definitely recommend RepairALL if you need to get any phone or tablet to be fix..<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jocelynn Del Rosario<\/a>
22:17 30 Oct 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I took an iPhone in for what I thought was a input jack problem. The repair technician was courteous and very professional when I came in. She explained the cost and that it would be a couple of hours. I left for a lunch date and in less than a half hour later I got a call letting me know the phone was good to go. When I returned to pick it up, the technician explained that I had just gotten some debris lodged in the jack. All she need to do was brush it out and the phone was good as new. She could have easily just replaced the jack and charged me the bench rate for the repair. Her honesty and integrity are truly commendable. I will bring Repairall all my business and will strongly recommend it to all my friends. Hopefully management knows what an excellent employee they have.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jim G.<\/a>
23:24 05 Oct 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I came back because the service cannot be beaten! I would recommend Repair All! They go above and beyond!I totally agree with above and beyond! I will not be going anywhere else ! Shantee is the best at professionalism , care and concern and I am so appreciative!Shawna<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shawna Hafner<\/a>
18:58 29 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It was my first visit in the store. I would like to say that, customer service was superb. She was Beyond and above helpful, in all the right ways. Therefore, I\u2019ll do my best to mention the store to most family and friends.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Yolanda Holt<\/a>
04:53 24 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Low price, fast fix within 30 minutes, very friendly and professional. I'll be bringing all of my devices here from now on. Thank you for your excellence in customer service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
lalala Cruz<\/a>
19:14 21 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Repair All gave me great service and was very generous with coaching and advice for using my devices. I will highly recommend Repair All to others for quality timely service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Freedom Skier<\/a>
15:58 20 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great place. Friendly staff, quick repair and very thorough. Best of all Veteran owned and honored. Thank you!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jennifer Weller<\/a>
00:58 07 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> (When a small hometown company can replace a mega corporation it\u2019s like Martha Stewart would say \u201cIt\u2019s a good thing\u201d!) I\u2019ll go with that but it would only let me check one and I want to check them all! Shantee and the rest of the staff couldn\u2019t be better. I was concerned at first because I didn\u2019t know what to expect and I went in in a bad mood anyway but that soon passed and I just completely trusted them with everything. If they keep going at this rate they\u2019re going to drain off all of Best Buy\u2019s customers! Sorry but true. Not only are they professional I was very happy with the price and quality of work and I was happy to leave it there. You can trust these guys. (It\u2019s like you\u2019re turning your life over to somebody!) So thank you Repair All ~ I have my computer back in time to start binge watching again. LOL PS~ Watch out for the great new sales girl they\u2019ve got in there!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
SK Bruning<\/a>
00:24 01 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke was helpful, polite and fixed my phone in no time. It's back to new. I will definitely use them again in the future.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
karen kraak<\/a>
22:51 24 Aug 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was very friendly and her work was amazing. Very responsive on the phone and very professional. Ill recommend anyone that needs a fix to go<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jackson Nguyen<\/a>
01:26 03 Aug 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was very helpful and humble. She answered questions about my phone repair like she would to a friend, and does great work!I was expecting my repair to be unreasonably expensive and not worth my time, but I would gladly come back if anything goes wrong in the future!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Zukie Patterson<\/a>
02:44 31 Jul 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was fantastic. She was professional and had a high degree of technical competence. And she was funny. I highly recommend working with her.And importantly, my phone got fixed because of her due diligence and attention to detail.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Vincent Wiraatmadja<\/a>
02:21 30 Jul 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was awesome! Fixed my cracked screen on my XR. She was fast and efficient. The price was great and she really knew how to switch out my screen. Totally would recommend her and this store<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michelle Norton<\/a>
20:38 30 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Every visit there has always been a great experience. Informative, helpful, and true pleasure. The knowledge Shantee presented with everyone customer, and the care she gave was astonishing<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Damontee Smith<\/a>
00:31 21 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was extremely busy\/backed up & still had my repair complete at the time she quoted, which wasn\u2019t very long considering her work load. My phone is as good as new & the price was significantly lower than a few of the quotes I received from other stores. Will definitely return to RepairAll if I ever have a damaged device & will totally be recommending their services to my friends & family.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Stupid Idiot<\/a>
05:34 18 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Love this place! Very affordable! I was in and out in 30 minutes to fix my screen! I would definitely recommend! First time customer discount too! You will not be disappointed!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Monique Rountree<\/a>
00:22 17 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was super nice! She gave me a reasonable price for a LCD replacement and made it overnight! 10\/10 would recommend.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Franz Dantes<\/a>
01:14 14 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This was an EXCELLENT experience. SHANTEE is FANTASTIC! AAnd she is exceptionally well qualified.My only other experience at having a cell phone repaired was many years ago.But this visit to 'REPAIR ALL' was exceptional. My phone works perfectly;and looks brand new;with a new sharp screen.No black lines and no flickering.Shantee is to be commended for her knowledge and expertise.I would definitely recommend Shantee and REPAIR ALL to anyone needing help with a malfunctioning cell phone.The work was great!The cost was fair!And Shantee was honest about the repair.No overcharges, or add-on costs.Check it out yourself. You will not regret it!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Bill Fell<\/a>
05:13 27 Apr 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Referred by a friend. Was greeted when I entered. Store was clean and professional environment. Efficient and job completed as requested for the price provided. Definitely made a fan today. Thank you.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shane Daily Rentals<\/a>
22:56 18 Apr 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I would recommend RepairALL to anyone that has phone issues. Brooke was absolutely amazing! She was informative, professional, helpful, very patient, and fixed my phone. Brooke was determined to fix my phone\u2019s charging port (which I thought was going to impossible) and it works wonders. It charges and plays music with the adapter with no problems. Brooke had previously tried other ports and instead of turning me away saying she couldn\u2019t fix it, she went out of her way and wanted to try other solutions.I also ended up getting my battery replaced and she was able to do it last minute without any issues.If you are questioning going here, go!Thank you again, Brooke!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
McKenna Mays<\/a>
06:13 18 Apr 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was kind and friendly, very nice to talk to just on a personal level. The repair was very well done. Even though the shop was busy and she was alone working, she acted professional and took care of everyone as efficiently as she could. I will use again, heaven forbid I break another screen.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tracy Roberts<\/a>
02:02 27 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was super helpful! I came in expecting to pay a lot to have the charging port on my phone replaced, but she was able to get the charger piece out of the port! So glad I came in and will definitely come back!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
20:01 12 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke was amazing. She changed my iPhone 6 battery in less than an hour. Great consumer service. Thank you so much for all your help!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sarah Alander<\/a>
03:52 10 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I hardly ever leave a review but felt I really needed to do this. I took my phone to this shop based on the reviews I read and oh boy I agree with the great reviews. Shantee was AMAZING, very professional with great customer service skills. She took her time to diagnose why my S10 wasn\u2019t turning on and fixed it within 30 minutes while even helping another customer and answering phones at the same time. I would highly recommend this place just because of the great service I received. I was literally in tears when my phone finally turned on as my pictures, video of my kids was my biggest worry of losing it. I hope her manager knows the great employee he\/she has.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Anita P<\/a>
05:57 05 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My iPhone was fixed within less than an hour. I called them the day of and was satisfied with the price. Definitely a fraction of the price I\u2019d pay to get a new phone or iPad. Great, efficient and professional service<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Rae Jeanne Fabillar Martinez<\/a>
03:37 11 Feb 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This was the second time I have been here, and both times the ladies who helped me were awesome. They get things done. I will absolutely return.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
B Kaai<\/a>
02:47 07 Feb 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Walked in and was taken care of right away with a new battery in my iPhone 7. Good price and very efficient service.UPDATE: The quality of the battery is junk. It already needs to be replaced after 7 months! I should have known. The first battery they installed had a broken connector.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Bob McElwain<\/a>
18:51 04 Feb 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Shantee was excellent! She was able to repair my iPhone camera lens with no problem. The most impressing thing about her she was able to multitask, phone calls, people walking in, and work on 2 phones, while one was on the heating pad and talk to me. It probably took her 30mins to get it repaired.I highly recommend this place, especially if Shantee is working.They also give military discount!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Marianne Ancheta<\/a>
00:33 30 Jan 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My laptop needed repair. It\u2019s hinges ripped from the plastic pieces on the sides causing the top of the laptop to separate. I bought the replacement parts on eBay but just needed someone to put it back together for me. Did a quick google search for shops nearby and On a Saturday it seemed as though all repair shops were closed, but not this one! They\u2019re even open on sundays which is so convenient for those who are busy on the weekdays. I brought my parts in and right away they were able to provide me a quote and estimated time of labor. Brooke even gave me a new customer discount. After leaving my computer with her, she gave me a call to inform me that the repair didn\u2019t take as long as she expected, and requoted me for a lesser price. This shop is reputable and honest and it has been proven they don\u2019t try and rip you off for your money. Computer is in perfect condition, thank you!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
02:18 24 Jan 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke was super helpful! She fixed my phone on my lunch break and for a great price, too. I was even given a $10 off coupon. Another place in town wanted to charge me $30-$40 more so I\u2019m glad I found this place!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
J K<\/a>
23:07 28 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> For me I really didn\u2019t want Verizon to send me a new phone, cause my phone a 8 Plus just needed the volume on and off switch fixed.So I\u2019m very happy with having my phone fixed with in the hour.I dropped it off, did a little shopping and they called my boyfriend\u2019s phone to say my phone was ready.Easy peezyMedina S Vacaville Ca<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Medina Smaystrla<\/a>
03:15 14 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Ok. This place has done an amazing work. Like seriously, when I got my iPhone back, it was NEW again. And believe me when I say it; it was beat-up. Camera was missing, both screen and the back were shattered and its pices were missing. When it came back, I could literally put it in the box and present it as New. And the quality of the materials uses was impeccable. Thank you very much for your work.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Slavik Nester<\/a>
21:07 24 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I brought in my iPhone 8 plus as the screen was shattered as it fell off the roof of my car and was driven over 3 times!Brooke said it would take 30 minutes and $99.Great deal.When I arrived she had set me up with a$10 coupon for an email update.It was very nice that she took the time to give me a discount.Phone looks brand new & I am very happy.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Stefanie Mannel<\/a>
02:48 24 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> So kind and really explained the process and what our realistic expectations should be. Was great with support!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Rachel Tippetts<\/a>
22:19 04 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My iphone screen was cracked and it was like a brand new phone once fixed. The place was nice and tidy. And the staff is nice as well.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
melanie oyales<\/a>
21:09 04 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I have had 2 phones fixed here and the price is reasonable. The wait time is not very long. This location set an appointment and even called me back because the online time didnt match the hours. Very satisfied easy going people at this location.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
kasswinn delluna<\/a>
04:35 04 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke was so honest and informative to all my questions no matter how simple they might have seemed to Brooke she didn\u2019t make me feel stupid. Took care of all my needs. A different repair shop quoted me $190 to fix my iPad. Then Brooke at Repair All told me it was a simple charge problem. She saved me $190. Thank you. GREAT PEOPLE!!!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Chris Mccoy<\/a>
22:52 24 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Efficient and reasonable price to replace my phone\u2019s screen. I was glad to see that masks are required (employees too).<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
23:32 16 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke started working on my phone right away and had it done in 20 minutes, she has great customer service & I will refer my family & friend to her at RepairALL Phone repair in Vacaville,Ca<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Majestic Lioness<\/a>
04:59 15 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brook was very helpful, professional, and does quite good work. I would have no problem recommending RepairALL Phone in Vacaville to family or friends.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Saul F Hernandez<\/a>
04:55 11 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> She was very efficient in fixing my screen protector. In and out in a few minutes and very reasonable! Will be back!!!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
23:29 06 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very friendly and fast service. Price was very reasonable and workmanship was excellent. Definitely the place to go to get an iPhone repaired!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Paul Valenzuela<\/a>
21:37 06 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke was fast and professional. She fixed my phone at a fair price. If I ever need to fix any other device I will definitely be back here.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Fernando Perez<\/a>
00:00 03 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I had a very pleasant experience with Brooke repairing a broken screen on IPhone 7 Plus. She was fast In replacing the screen and also she was very engaging during the process. I was in and out at reasonable time! Recommend this service to anyone in need of mobile phone repair whether it\u2019s a IPhone or Samsung. Brooke provided Excellent Customer Service!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
LaVern Manning<\/a>
02:28 02 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fixed my touch screen issue with my phone by replacing the screen, and installed a brand new battery. All for $104 (tax included) and only took half an hour. Awesome service!\ud83d\ude0e<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
23:46 29 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> RepairAll met my expectations with regards to repairing my laptop. The service was fast, affordable, and completed with accuracy. Thank you for a job well done!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Anita Green<\/a>
13:53 26 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This place was swift and efficient! Quoted the phone could be fixed in 20 minutes and it was. Employee was friendly and knowledgeable. Will go here again although I hope I never need to!\ud83d\ude00<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Blah Blah<\/a>
23:13 19 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke was very knowledgeable. If one way did not work she found another way. I was surprised at how she was able to make me feel relaxed while she found answers to my many problems. Other places of businesses said it was hopeless. But Brooke never gave up and found ways to find new paths to my problems. I thought I had lost everything on my phone. I did not know what a cloud was for storage except to see one in the sky. But Brooke found everything when my phone was dead. I was forced to buy a new phone because the carrier for my phone plan said my phone was gone. If only I had gone to repair all first. I could of saved myself hundreds on a new phone. Brooke fixed my old phone in minutes. So for another future problems I will go here. I will also direct all of my friends problems to this company. Thank you Brooke for a pleasant experience.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kevin Kaufman<\/a>
16:09 07 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> No complaints at all i stopped by because my phones screen would no longer turn on. I was planning to drop my phone off but after talking to brooke she told me it would be done in 20minutes. Within 20 minutes the screen on my phone was replaced and i was out the door. If i have anymore issues with my electronics this is where ill be going theres even a discount for first time customers.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Chris Tokman<\/a>
07:41 06 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I went to get my battery replaced in my IPhone and she told me 30 minutes. It didn\u2019t take 30 minutes tho! She was done in no time! It was awesome! I definitely recommend RepairALL!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Valerie Littlefield<\/a>
23:33 26 May 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I will definitely go again for all my phone...electronic needs. Brooke was sufficient as well as diligent. Also, I was pleased with the pleasant & precise..clear communication. She repaired my phone screen...it works well & looks brand new! Thank you.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Briana Askerneese<\/a>
20:02 24 Apr 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I am very pleased with RepairALL. This company deserves a 100% satisfaction rating, especially after the lack of service I received earlier when I went to Verizon for help. I was met in the parking lot by an employee who wouldn\u2019t look at my phone, and said she couldn\u2019t help me. They were not even allowing customers to go in the store. I did a search and found RepairALL nearby. I went straight there, where I was able to enter the store, ajnd was greeted pleasantly by a very professional employee, who immediately asked if she could help me. She repaired my iPhone quickly, while I waited. She helped me find the right case I needed, and put it on my phone for me. I was very happy with the reasonable price of the repair, and the price of the new case. I highly recommend RepairALL, and commend Brooke, the employee who helped me for her professional and courteous service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Laurie Parrish<\/a>
02:20 17 Apr 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I am really happy that I went to this business, because the people were friendly and helpful and speedy. Plus I got $10 off by being a first-time customer. They said it would take 30 minutes to replace my phone battery, but it was less than that and I am always pleased when that happens. I most certainly will use this place the next time I have any phone repair needs. Highly recommended!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Parry S<\/a>
22:02 16 Apr 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were able to repair a very small circuit board malfunction which is beyond impressive and much appreciated. Communication on the length of repair could have been better but overall extremely happy<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Debbie Salazar<\/a>
14:40 27 Mar 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We had a phone with a cracked screen. We called them right before they were closing and they took us in and repaired it on the spot. They were very responsive, friendly, and did a great job on the repair. They were quick and even gave us a discount! Highly recommend this business for iPhone repairs! We will definitely be back!!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Karen Voorwinden<\/a>
04:35 24 Mar 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast and efficient service. Finished the repair on my phone in 30 mins. Service was great and my experience was wonderful. Highly recommend if you need a good place to come and get your electronic devices fixed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dyllan Roby<\/a>
03:46 04 Mar 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My phone stopped taking a charge so I brought it to RepairAll in Vacaville. Brook was very thorough. She first checked if the port needed to be cleaned, then performed other diagnostics to determine the issue. It turned out the port needed to be replaced which she did. She went the extra mile and verified the port was the issue before completely installing the new one. She told me she likes to make sure her customers don\u2019t come back for the same issue. It would be so great if more service professionals were like here. Thank you Brook, for a job well done!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lydia Fontana<\/a>
21:47 29 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great prices and great service. Went to Bulbs and Batteries and not only were they more expensive, the customer service was awful. Here they were quick and knowledgeable. Will come back!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Karen Francis<\/a>
22:14 27 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke and Bill were both awesome. Their customer service was spot on and Brooke was able to repair my MacBook Pro for hundreds of dollars cheaper than I was quoted at other places. I highly recommend these guys.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gary Barrow<\/a>
22:21 18 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke and Bill at RepairALL epitomize excellence and a customer-centric attitude. After they repaired my wife's iPad mini, I asked them about fixing a laptop, and their team offered to walk me through the process of repairing it myself--at no charge. Who does that? It is rare to find that level of selflessness in the business world. Also, they offer free social media classes on Sunday from 10-11 AM. RepairALL delivers education, quality service and great pricing too. Keep it up!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Maurice Arnold<\/a>
23:48 17 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brook and Bill are fantastic, I needed a new battery for my Iphone, as luck would have it I dropped it and now needed a new screen as well. Brook gave me a great price on the battery with my screen replacement and was done in less then 30 minutes. I highly recommend!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kevin Eubanks<\/a>
02:09 15 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent customer service. Went far beyond the way to assist, recommend with a smile. And the repair was completed in s timely manner with a smile. Thank you Brooke<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Debra Jennings<\/a>
23:46 03 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We've used these guys for three different devices. They really know what they are doing. We have a ton of electrical devices. I'm glad they are there. Decent prices too.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Epic Flight Films<\/a>
00:05 02 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brook the manager is very friendly knowledgeable and polite. Fixed my phone while I waited. Fast service and great workmanship. Definitely recommend them for phone repair.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Steven Deering<\/a>
23:49 27 Jan 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Brooke was so quick and knowledgeable. I literally thought I was going to have to buy a new phone and she fixed it within an hour. I have an iPhone and it started out glitching. Within a few weeks I couldn\u2019t get into it. I couldn\u2019t use my finger pass or do anything with any part of the passcode. My phone wasn\u2019t dead but I could not get into it. I went to phone store and they couldn\u2019t fix it either. I decided before ordering a new phone to give RepairALL a try. I\u2019m so glad I did!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ashley Valenzuela<\/a>
00:13 18 Jan 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Daniel was very friendly, courteous, and respectful, and had me out the door in just a few minutes. I have an older I-phone which needed the battery replaced. And I was in a big hurry. He also told me about their warranty, and gave me a business card so I could find a closer Repair All store in my home town, which was 80 miles away. Kudos for great customer service and a job well done!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kathy Wyble<\/a>
03:50 17 Jan 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Danny and Jacob were quick to helpe repair my devices even when they were quite busy. Extremely friendly, knowledgeable, and were quick to finish up my devices, would recommend 10\/10<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jacob Mu\u00f1oz<\/a>
22:28 10 Jan 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent service. Personnel were friendly, courteous and ready to provide professional services. Highly recommend for electronic repair and service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kenny H<\/a>
01:04 03 Jan 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Repaired my iPad screen, super friendly and fast service! Would definitely go back.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shannon Cole<\/a>
21:54 02 Jan 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My grandaughter recieved \"17 official LIGHT STICK\" for christmas from Korea and battery assembly was missing pieces..I went to 2 electronic repair buisnesses in Vacaville and found no help. Spent very short time at REPAIR ALL and very sorry cannot remember tecs name, but walked out with working drvice with no charge ..very grateful and highly recommended thos buisness...Thanks<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ray Ortiz<\/a>
00:34 29 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Friendly service, reasonable price & quick turn around on restoring my Playstation 4.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Susan Smith<\/a>
01:24 23 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Danny was a lifesaver! After several high tech services were unable to unlock the data on my cell phone, with a completely unresponsive screen, I thought my images and files were lost forever. Danny was able to figure out the fix and transfer the files for a very reasonable fee. I strongly recommend this business for all your tech repairs!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Carol Mackey<\/a>
19:47 12 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service daniel \ud83e\udd17 love this place he replace the battery of my iphone very quick \ud83d\ude18thank you<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
laura c<\/a>
03:00 11 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Jacob is the reason we decided to have our phones fixed and Danny was very respected and really did a great job of fixing both phones. Expect me to share my experience on Facebook. Thank you!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Manuel Cosme, Jr.<\/a>
20:57 17 Nov 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We went to repair all and they were so nice and they were really good at fixing my phone so thank you guys<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
savannah oliver<\/a>
16:51 16 Nov 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was devastated thinking I lost all my pictures off my phone and I was recommended to bring it here and I\u2019m so glad I did! My pictures we saved and I got a new screen ! And it was finished within 30 minutes !! Wow wow wow ! Very impressed !<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Andrew Rodriguez<\/a>
21:42 05 Nov 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Replaced my LCD screen quickly and definitely for the lowest price (I mean like $70 cheaper than anywhere else I talked to). Friendly service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sarah Bechtel<\/a>
18:35 23 Oct 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Friendly and courteous very informative and Quick and the young lady who worked on my phone was very efficient and knowledgeable. It was a great experience we even socialized and it made it very easy for me<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gary Bianco<\/a>
17:40 12 Oct 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Friendly, easy and quick service at a good price. I was very satisfied.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Melody Robinson<\/a>
17:25 22 Aug 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very helpful. Knew exactly what I needed. Even took the extra time and when I say time I mean hours to go above and beyond to help me with my phone issues. Very kind they know their stuff. I will definitely recommend and definitely always be a returning customer always . Thanks again<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Katherina Ramirez<\/a>
16:46 30 Jul 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Came in with what I thought was a broken charging port on my iPhone. My father recently had the same issue and told me about how quick and efficient repair all fixed his phone. Also the price wasn\u2019t bad at all, much cheaper than going through insurance with my provider. When I went it the technician looked at my phone and ended up removing a bunch of debris out of the charging port. Sure enough they put it on the charger and it started working again. They insisted that something so small and quick would be done free of charge. Excellent experience overall. 10\/10.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ryan Armstrong<\/a>
19:13 21 Jul 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was greeted right away which was unexpected but a nice personal touch. Tech offered discounts on service and products in store before I even explained the needed repair. The cost was extremely competitive, actually lower than two competitors locally I got over the phone quotes from. I had my cracked screen replaced in under 40 mins.The store is clean and neat and even has a couple of nice lounge chairs to watch tv or relax in. Free coffee\/tea was also a nice extra touch. I\u2019m recommending anyone to give them your business. You won\u2019t be dissatisfied with service and quality.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Brad Maty<\/a>
22:44 17 Jul 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Amazing customer service!! Not only do they have affordable prices but they were able to fix my phone screen and replace my battery in an hour. Be sure to join their VIP for some deals as well!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Angelyca Robbson<\/a>
19:53 23 Jun 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Professional service and great prices. They were able to fix my phone (battery and screen) while waiting. Competitive pricing!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Robert Marquez<\/a>
18:35 21 Jun 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Dominic, I believe was his name, seems like a great young man. He has a really good demeanor for dealing with the public. My phone is fixed for now, so I\u2019m happy!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Chris Holdener<\/a>
17:09 02 Jun 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was referred to Repair All from my phone carrier to fix my cracked screen. This was the first time I had to visit a store like this but so happy I went in. I met with a nice young man whose name I can\u2019t remember but he explained the process to me and let me know it would be 30 minutes. It was done and waiting for me in less than 30 minutes.I recommend this team and store to anyone who is looking to have any screen fixed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Cindy Wright<\/a>
01:53 02 Jun 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The customer service was excellent. Took the time to make sure we felt confident our grand daughter\u2019s computer was in the best hands.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Brandon Jones<\/a>
17:29 26 Apr 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> These guys are totally awesome. They fixed my Google Pixel battery within an hour(after the part came in) and you wouldn't even know the phone had any repairs done. Very experienced folk and it was very cheap, I won't go to any other place for future phone \/ PC repairs and you shouldn't either!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michael Arellano<\/a>
23:27 20 Apr 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Noah(hope I spelled the name correctly) went above and beyond with the service. He is genuine and builds good rapport with his customers. Honest and knowledgeable person. Thank you!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Areeb Bhatti<\/a>
00:32 21 Mar 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I needed a replacement battery for my son's old iPhone 6. I called Repair All and I was quoted $70 for parts\/labor. The technician gave me an additional $10 off for being a first time customer to my delight. Service was great. Staff was friendly and knowledgeable. Facility was clean and location felt safe. The whole battey replacenent was completed in under an hour. My son and I are very happy with the work done.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mark M<\/a>
00:00 20 Mar 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Noah was an excellent, careful technician who clearly knows his stuff. He made recommendations for my phone case and screen protector (which has had two screens broken and replaced already by another local shop\u2014I was so frustrated \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f) and he made sure everything was working perfectly before I left. Oh! And he noticed my battery was bloated and replaced that too (no wonder my phone kept dying so quickly!). He was super friendly, too!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Vacaville Music Therapy Vacaville Music Therapy<\/a>
18:37 19 Mar 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service, knowledgeable advice, and quality parts. I crushed my screen and I'll admit, since RepairALL fixed it, my phone works better than before the accident. Staff is friendly too. Highly recommend !!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ruth Miller<\/a>
18:36 04 Feb 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I couldn't say enough about these people working there. Absolutely, friendly. Carrying. Helpful. Professionals. Informative. They get 1000 \u2b50s from me.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
damaris glenn<\/a>
19:05 02 Feb 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Came earlier than time noted(very happy). Food was amazing. Excellent service<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
jaime cortesmd<\/a>
04:18 23 Jan 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I dropped my phone in water after three weeks of being told it was inaccessible by my carrier, by the manufacturer, and other repair shops - I found RepairAll. Corey told me he could fix it and Barry spent an entire day working on the phone. They were able to retrieve valuable documents for me. They are not only tech wizards but kind and compassionate young men who care about their customers. Thank you both for your genuine customer service. I've made two friends and will refer you to everyone I know.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Margaret DeNorscio<\/a>
21:05 17 Jan 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Barry and Corey were so helpful in our repairs. Very knowledgeable, fast, a high quality work! Definitely returning with all our repairs!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jessica Lewis<\/a>
20:58 12 Jan 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It cost 95$ to fix my iPhone 6splus screen and it was done in under 30 min and it came with a warranty would definitely go back again. Plus staff was super nice and talkative!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
20:03 10 Jan 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great experience! Friendly tech ( Corey) who fixed the broken screen of my phone- very affordable. Within 30 minutes my 4 year old phone was like new, it had a protective tempered glass added to the new screen . The store is roomy, has a place for kids to safely wait and play with convenience of being in a mall that filled my wait time with grocery shopping and other stores,!!! Saved me from mistake of getting a new phone( which I don\u2019t need the expense of!) Highly Recommend!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michele Dally<\/a>
17:00 10 Dec 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Absolutely wonderful customer service. My phone and my son\u2019s phone were repaired on the spot within a few minutes. I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon this business because every time I go in I leave satisfied and with a smile. Thank you!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tiffany Landin<\/a>
22:16 29 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They are very polite, you can go relax and watch a movie while your item is being fixed, they help you out for example if you have a expired coupon they will use it and, great stock of cases as well as headphones and charging cables. All an all I always have a great experience every time I go there definitely a recommend if you need something fixed they are very reasonable with there prices<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Froze Dokkan Battle<\/a>
19:53 24 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> After spending an evening searching for a way to get my badly damaged phone screen repaired, AT &T suggested I try RepairALL. Along with the cracked screen I was not seeing my texted messages. RepairALL figured out my issue and 30 minutes later I had a new screen, and he picked out a case, so I don't break it again!\u263a There were no lines to deal with, very friendly staff! Maybe I could have paid less somewhere else, but time value of money!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Janice Kranz<\/a>
17:32 11 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent customer services, reasonable prices, quality work and fast. Highly recommend this place!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
long ngo<\/a>
16:59 04 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Noticed the store front while running errands and decided to get a price to fix my daughter\u2019s iPhone 6 screen. Was satisfied with the price quoted. The tech said it would take 30 minutes to fix but I opted to come back later the same day. Phone was complete when I came back for pick up. We also opted to get new screen protectors and cases for multiple phones. Tech was professional and knowledgeable. Would recommend to family and friends.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jessi O'Hanlon<\/a>
18:07 31 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My husband took me here for a screen replacement. great customer service and attention to detail. screen replacement while you wait....fabulous experience<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Pamalet Blow<\/a>
02:09 23 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> These guys are by far the best in town! Knowledgeable, helpful, honest, and very fair!They know the tech products inside and out, and I've been taking my business there (and referring friends there) since they first opened their doors in Vacaville. You've also got that additional piece of mind, knowing that they stand behind the quality of their products and workmanship. I'd give them 7 stars if I could! \ud83d\ude09 \ud83d\udc4d<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
John McMahon<\/a>
16:28 14 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Service was fast and friendly. The other guys in town could not replace my IPhone screen for several days and asked me to make an appointment. These guys got me going and out the door in less than 30 minutes. Glad I stoped by. Good job.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Robert Dhuyvetter<\/a>
19:55 27 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Called a couple places around town and no one had much of a selection of certified used iPhones,until o called these guys, they a couple options and all at a fair price, definitely will be coming back for any repairs or another device. Great and quick service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
17:42 27 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Barry was so helpful and patient! He was able to extract the data from my iPhone when my touchscreen was disabled and then transfer it over to my new phone. I thought I had lost all of my data....he really saved the day!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kathy Brown<\/a>
17:38 21 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They do great work at an affordable price. My cellphone was fixed in 25 minutes. I also bought a leather phone holster at a good price.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Scott Miller<\/a>
15:33 13 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I went to RepairAll after my phone was drenched in water. Even though the phone was beyond repair, Barry was able to get it working again allowing me to back it up real quick. These guys are the best!!! I will definitely use them in the future for my phone\/ electronics issues.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Nathan Trenery<\/a>
00:06 10 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> These guys are the best!!! Unfortunately I only got one name. Cody was awesome and knowledgeable about my iPhone issues!! Only charged me $30 for about an hour of their time. Only place I will ever go in the future!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
VAna Balogh<\/a>
19:35 12 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The screen of my old phone went blank, so I upgraded to an iPhone8. Needlesstosay, after 4 days of trying to download & transfer all my data, I had nearly given up. I went into Repair All and they were able to retrieve lost data that wasn\u2019t downloaded to my cloud and transfer everything! I couldn\u2019t be more thankful. Totally professional and caring. As I sat there waiting, they were able to either diagnose or help many others. Highly recommend. Thank you Corey and the very kind manager!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Diggers Deli<\/a>
16:38 04 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Barry was fantastic. Unbelievable customer service.Extremely knowledge about products.Resolved problem .I will go back and recommend the store and Barry.Already haveThank youCandee Briggs<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Cansee Briggs<\/a>
17:13 27 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Got my battery replaced while I waited. Frances did a great job. Well worth the $45 labor charge.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Bill Holmquist<\/a>
15:33 17 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I went to All Phone Repair with a broken screen on my iPhone ... and they fixed it in about half an hour. I had a pleasant place to sit and wait ( nice and cool) and found a great wallet\/ phone holder to boot! These things are all expensive and they helped me out with a discount .... highly recommend!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kim Chandler<\/a>
15:54 08 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We needed 2 ipad screens repaired. Barry did an excellent job not only repaired the broken screen but even cleaned it well to look like new and gave us back on time. I would recommend this repair shop for the repairs. He was excellent, professional and knowledgeable.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dev Patel<\/a>
19:35 06 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Barry was amazing! He quickly replaced the battery in my daughter's iPhone 5s and restored full life back into this aging phone. Barry was knowledgeable and super helpful! Thanks!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michael Webb<\/a>
16:25 17 Jun 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The employees were very welcoming and friendly. We were in a hurry and had to get our Grandson from school they had us in and out fast enough to be on time. And also give me a quote for something that needs to be done on my phone. Also they have a huge assortment of phone covers including sports phone cases glitter and just about what you can think of. I would highly recommend this store to my friends and family. Thank you kindly<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
17:45 02 Jun 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Just walked in to ask a question and was able to have phone fixed right there. Completely reasonable, and loved how they answered my questions. Will definitely recommend to friends. Hidden treasure. \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffd<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Miss Urias<\/a>
02:30 07 May 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I needed a repair and it was done quick. The accessories were very nice and affordable. Super friendly super informative and a super comfy waiting area. I will be going back and referring any friends who need repair or accessories.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Misty Kelly<\/a>
14:28 03 May 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent work, Excellent Quality Of Work, but Most of all excellent customer service. I Will be taking all of my business there from now on, Ive nothing but two positive experiences there so far. Thank You!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ben Revis<\/a>
19:33 19 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> In and out in an hour. Problem solved! Plus, since they're located in a shopping center, I was able to use the wait time to get some shopping done. Customer service was great, price suited me.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jennifer Wozniak<\/a>
21:43 09 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This service here is awesome. I highly recommend to anyone that need their phone fixed<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Christian vargas<\/a>
19:25 05 Mar 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Knowledgeable, friendly and efficient business. Very happy with services provided in a very timely manner to replace my cracked iphone glass screen.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Chris Casillas<\/a>
01:26 04 Mar 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Didn't know it existed and my Verizon phone company told me they could fix my phone amazing so far so good<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Beth Johnson<\/a>
19:11 16 Feb 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Store staff and manager are so nice. They're really do that job. Thanks so much<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
21:41 12 Feb 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were helpful in explaining why my phone could not be repaired. They have a comfortable waiting area and a very short wait time.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Pat Marshman<\/a>
18:33 08 Feb 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My experience was great. I called earlier in the day while I was at work, explained the situation and was told to bring it in. I got there and although the young lady had 4 to 5 phones she was already working on she still took mine. It took less than an 30 minutes for her to not only fix my shattered screen but replace a sensor on the inside I didn\u2019t even know was malfunctioning. All in all very happy customer.... will definitely return. So happy that I was telling my experience to my daughter and her friend, turns out her friend stated she too had gotten a phone fixed from there..<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Harleighcia Ford<\/a>
02:18 28 Jan 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent customer service. Only took 45 minutes to replace the screen on two iPhones. The phones look brand new and work great!!!Thanks guys!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
22:56 27 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I went in to change the battery on my iPhone. Service was high quality and fast. The manager, Miguel, provides great customer service. Thanks.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Afia Owusu<\/a>
16:50 24 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service... also very nice waiting room even with my two kids under 3.. fast, efficient, professional and most of all fairly priced... will definitely return<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Christee Jimenez<\/a>
15:20 22 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service. My issue with my phone was identified and quickly fixed. Highly recommend this place.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Zack Clapham<\/a>
19:25 21 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This place is awesome!!! The repair on my iPhone was done to perfection and in less than an hour. Couldn\u2019t have been any happier. Thanks again for everything! Without a doubt I will be back if I ever break my screen again!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sean Peters<\/a>
17:13 08 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I dropped my phone and needed to have the LCD screen replaced. It was late in the day too. ATT sent me to Repair All. I was greeted by a friendly technician that made me feel at ease. She had the screen in stock for my older android phone, and replaced it perfectly in less than an hour. Cassidy saved the day! Very grateful to know of this place.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sharon Bloom<\/a>
15:45 05 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast friendly and great service. They were able to fix my iPhone se screen. And they checked for water damage. I will continue to use them for fixing all my devices.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Alan Spencer<\/a>
19:24 02 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The Repair All Phone Repair really did a great job on my phone. Had a problem with the screen on my phone not allowing me to type and they were so quick to REPAIR \ud83d\ude09 the problem. They even have a lounge with snacks for waiting customers! Overall they were very accommodating and genuinely kind. Would definitely go back!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
araceli yepez<\/a>
01:46 05 Oct 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The All Repair store in Vacaville is great! They have friendly employees and great speedy service. They fixed my broken screen and helped me find the right screen protector. I've already recommended it to all my friends too<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Joselin Yepez<\/a>
23:22 04 Oct 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Hands down the best repair shop in town ! They have affordable screen repairs and cases , you also will never be disappointed with their tempered glass screen protector! They also have a very comfy lounge with a snack bar. You'll end up never wanting to leave!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ana Paola Chavez<\/a>
20:32 03 Oct 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
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