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Phone Repair
Manteca, CA<\/h1>\n

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1454 Hulsey Way
\nManteca, CA 95336<\/h5>\n

(209) 823-7000<\/a><\/h4>\n
<\/i> Mon-Sat 10:00AM-7PM
<\/i> Sun 11:30AM-5PM<\/h5>\n
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1454 Hulsey Way
Manteca, CA 95336
(209) 823-7000<\/p>\n

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1454 Hulsey Way
\nManteca, CA 95336<\/h5>\n

(209) 823-7000<\/a><\/h4>\n
<\/i> Mon-Sat 10:00AM-7PM
<\/i> Sun 11:30AM-5PM<\/h5>\n
(209) 823-7000<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
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700+ Google Reviews!<\/h2>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_divider color=”#000000″ divider_weight=”3px” _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” width=”100px” module_alignment=”center” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_divider][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]

<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I'm very impressed with the service we received from Repair All. They're very professional but also very down to earth. Id highly recommend this to anyone who needs a game system fixed to go see these guys. Keep up the great service repair all you guys are awesome. Ps4 new gamer mom... \ud83d\ude0a<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Donna J<\/a>
10:10 25 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The technician was courteous as well as knowledgeable. The repairs were made in a timely manner. I would highly recommend anyone that is having trouble with electronic equipment to seek them out.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
leroy Carter<\/a>
21:07 09 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was having issues with my phone charging. I stopped by to get a diagnostic. Both team members where courteous and informative. Thefound the problem. The repair was done surprisingly fast. I will most definitely recommend.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Raider Hec<\/a>
22:50 02 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This place is amazing! I broke my IPhone in half I\u2019m not kidding I thought they will never be able to fix this so I went to my dealer and they told me to go to RepairAll and with in 2 hours it was done I couldn\u2019t believe it! The same day service I love them I will recommend them to everyone Thank you so much for the awesome customer service<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Linda Gonsalez<\/a>
22:59 31 Mar 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Ajay was very knowledgeable and gave me good tips on maintaining my PS5. He even let me see if everything was working by allowing me to test my system in the store. Will definitely continue to use their services for all my electronic needs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tammye Thomas<\/a>
02:49 08 Mar 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I recently had the pleasure of using RepairALL's service to repair the HDMI port on my PS5, and I must say that I was highly satisfied with their service. From start to finish, the experience was smooth and hassle-free.Firstly, their customer service was exceptional. When I reached out to inquire about the repair process, they were prompt in responding and provided all the necessary information I needed. They were also very friendly and helpful in answering any questions I had.The repair itself was done with great expertise. The technicians at RepairALL clearly knew what they were doing. They handled my PS5 with care and precision, ensuring that the HDMI port was repaired properly. I was impressed with the quality of their workmanship.Additionally, RepairALL completed the repair within the promised timeframe. They kept me updated throughout the process, which I appreciated. When I received my repaired PS5, it was in perfect working condition, and the HDMI port was as good as new.I recommend RepairALL for anyone looking for top-notch service in repairing their electronic devices.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Elisha Foster<\/a>
02:40 01 Mar 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Quick and excellent! Whole front side of my iPad was broken from it being dropped on tile, walked in and not even two days later it was ready for pick up, looking brand new! If anything brakes again I will definitely be going back!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jozzie Petersen<\/a>
20:09 29 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This place was Great .I took my daughter there to get her screen fixed on here iphone.This guy had her phone fixed in like 15 min and i would highly recamend this place to anyone who needs there phone, desktop or laptop fixed. So glad i didnt drive all the way to tracy to get it fixed.Thanks for great customer serviceMarla Molina<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
marla molina<\/a>
02:08 26 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> He was very good the guy very polite and very professional. He answered all my questions about my phone and then they give me a good deal for the phone for my screen protector and he was too fast fixing my phone.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jesus Torres<\/a>
23:39 25 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service, quick fix, and very professional work. I took my cellphone and laptop to get fixed, and I\u2019m very happy with their service. Will definitely come back for any future service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jannet Villa<\/a>
21:14 21 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The guys that work there are very nice and he made my apple tablet brand new like when I first brought it<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Paris Robinson<\/a>
22:35 03 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Dude ordered the part for my phone called and told me to bring thee phone in and 5 minutes later i was done .excellent sevice highly recomend th is shopp 15 out of 10<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michael Reibel<\/a>
01:39 19 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We had a problem with our Sim card in the phone. But of course it was taken care of by RepairAll. It was quickly repaired and well pleased. We'll use RepairAll in the future as needed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ronn Hendricks<\/a>
04:38 17 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I have a laptop that I use for payroll and it decided that it was not going to work. I took it to repairALL. They are amazing. I have my computer and it's wonderful. They are very reasonable with prices and quick to get my computer done. I would never go anywhere else.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lucy Bettencourt<\/a>
02:10 09 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It\u2019s my second time going to this spot and both experiences have been perfect, no complications, straight forward and resolved quickly. I had water damage and needed my screen replaced the first time I had visit, apple told me I\u2019d have to send my phone in and be without my device for two weeks these guys fixed it in not even in 30 mins. My second visit I needed the back of my phone replaced the glass was destroyed, I left my phone there for 2 hours came and picked it up good as new. The first time I had came it was a little pricey not gon lie, idk if it was bc it was water damage and they had to dry out the inside but that came out to $300. My second visit was a lot more reasonable, replacing the glass on the back of my phone was $150.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Audri Blades<\/a>
00:44 08 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The service was great!They were very friendly and they repaired my phone like brand new!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Harleen Kaur<\/a>
20:31 07 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> These guys are amazing. Great service and great communication. Much appreciated my fixed surface.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Agatha Smith<\/a>
18:56 29 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We got immediate support and my phone was repaired as quickly as prmised. Great service.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
James R Smith<\/a>
00:06 19 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> iPhone repaired within 1 hour. The location nearby food and Target is fantastic. Service was friendly and fast. A+ for service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
03:05 05 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> very professional and understanding even gave me a deal on my phone i had the back screen cracked mic wasn\u2019t working and the battery replaced and they fixed it all within a day and let me take my time paying for it<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
jajdjs nasir<\/a>
01:53 21 Nov 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great staff, very knowledgeable,professional staff. I highly recommend repair all in Manteca Ajay and the staff will actually make u feel good about spending your money at repair all. Thanks Ajay<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Clinton Powell<\/a>
17:43 18 Nov 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They had fixed my phone previously and didn\u2019t charge me so I came back when I needed a phone fixed. They were quick and had it done the next day!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
S M<\/a>
22:32 19 Oct 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I had a great experience with RepairALL. Very friendly staff. Fixed my son\u2019s iPhone screen within 30 minutes, reasonably priced. They will be my go-to for all of my electronic repairs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
15:17 19 Oct 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Ajay had my phone speakers fixed quickly and this is the third repair they have done on our family\u2019s electronics. Highly recommend them for quick, quality service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kerri Visser<\/a>
02:01 17 Oct 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service. Booked an appointment for the same day. Dude attending was super nice, and my phone was ready in one hour. 10\/10 service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gabriel An. Sonzogni<\/a>
00:20 15 Oct 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very good customer service and had some troubles along the run for the order on the piece I needed but kept it professional and did their job quick and easy. And also made sure that because of the trouble gave me a little discount for it much appreciated.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Izit_ Real<\/a>
00:29 12 Oct 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Edit: Ajay reached out to me and explained that the person responsible for the absenteeism no longer works at the store and that he talked to his employee about the noise.I really appreciate him taking the time to take responsibility and clear up those things, so I'm changing my rating to reflect that.I work next door to this shop I constantly have to suffer through some man screaming like a lunatic all day because his sports team isn't winning.I also have customers regularly come in asking me what's going on with this place because they're closed randomly during business hours for hours at a time and no one will answer the phone.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
17:28 02 Oct 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent service. My brother broke his phone screen and they fixed it in less than 3 hours. Thank you for your service. Definitely recommended.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Palwinder Singh<\/a>
01:59 28 Sep 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Ajay took care of us! Great service! Repaired my screen for iPhone 11. Highly recommended!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Raz Mohammed<\/a>
23:59 09 Sep 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We were in need of repair on our computer and it was fixed while we waited. Appreciated the service, and quick handling of our need. As a result brought in our MAC and again, so pleased with the professionalism, knowledge, and repair time. Highly recommend RepairAll with all your electronic needs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
John Sigg<\/a>
23:05 19 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> CJ from AT&T referred me to this shop and was assured that they're good honest people. So I took my iPhone to them and I am glad I gave them the benefit of the doubt. One happy customer here and will be a REPEAT customer. Shout out to D-A-V-I-D, knowledgeable and easy to talk to... good attitude is everything. Will talk to you soon regarding my PC. Until then, keep up the good work.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ram Zam<\/a>
23:23 18 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It was great . Had broken screens on an iPad and an MacBook. Estimated Timeline was a day or two more than expected due to parts arriving late but the work looks good. Service was polite . Appreciated.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jose Saldana<\/a>
02:47 12 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I went in unsure if they could help me. Not only was Ajay helpful. He was knowledgeable & was able to take care of my phone the same day. I\u2019ll definitely return if needed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sandra Thirnburg<\/a>
04:58 04 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I needed to charge my iPhone but, none of my chargers would fit! I panicked because my phone was about to die!! Went to AT&T & was told I could get an upgrade on my phone but it\u2019s not what I wanted to do. Walked a door to RepairAll, David said it could be fixed. Went & got my nails done, came back & was good to go! If I ever need any electronics fixed, I know where to go.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jackie Youngblood<\/a>
22:02 28 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They are very knowledgeable and quick to fix your iPhone within a day. They are very transparent too so that I feel like I truly understand what went wrong and why certain things are being replaced. Excellent work fellas!They fixed my phone from water damage and a second time because of a malfunctioning battery ; also probably because of water damage and a combination of improper use of a charger (wrong or cheap charger)<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jerald Chavez<\/a>
04:57 11 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Decided to fix my screen and have the battery checked. I walked in and was out in 2 minutes. Got a call back 1 hr later and it was ready for pick up. Looks good as new. Would come back for any repair needs on my cell phone.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
bobby garcia<\/a>
00:56 20 Jun 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Dave was very helpful and he was very professional as well. Going to bring my wife\u2019s Galaxy phone there to replace the screen tomorrow. Good job.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jerry Lokollo<\/a>
18:58 08 Jun 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I had a perfect experience with the service I received. AJay was Excellent in helping me reach my goal of fixing my phone. Now I feel like I have a brand new phone. He also was able to worked with me on the price. I honestly don\u2019t feel like I wasn\u2019t taken advantage of like some other places.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
John Andeola<\/a>
05:13 03 Jun 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service, honest and trustworthy. Always go a step extra to help their customers. I will definitely be bringing any electronics that need repair here. My go to. I highly recommend it. \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc4d<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Frankie Acevedo<\/a>
02:08 02 Jun 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It\u2019s been a long time since my iPhone 8 plus cleanly accepted a charge cable. My wife suggested a new phone. Ajay was able to quickly and competently fix it inside of an hour or so. Also a friendly guy, happy to do business there.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jim Howard<\/a>
21:51 03 May 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Went in for the typical screen repair they quoted me a price and ordered my new screen, was told it would be in the next day....they got a screen in later that day and got me all fixed up faster than promised!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Rachel Knott<\/a>
13:48 12 Apr 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Thank you so much David for fixing my charging port on my Samsung and Fixing my Broken laptop in just 3.5 hours. You are so knowledgeable and your prices can't be beat. I'm so glad I found you while I was driving . You have a customer for life<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
MsTeena Maria<\/a>
02:10 07 Mar 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I made a same day appointment at 3:00 today, dropped my phone off and I had a new battery in less than 30 minutes\u2026I\u2019m a happy camper.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sandy Montoya<\/a>
00:43 31 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent customer service, and was quick with the service. I was thinking that I would have to leave my phone overnight, but it took under 30 minutes to have my battery changed. If I could give him 10 stars, I would.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tawn Tawn<\/a>
00:36 03 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Ajay and the team were very helpful in getting me back into the game, Phone and computer look and operate better because of the visit. Which was quick and easy making the process painless. I would highly recommend the team and service!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Earl Wallice<\/a>
00:46 30 Nov 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My daughter left her phone on the roof on the car, and it fell off on the freeway. We assumed it was unrepairable, but RepairAll fixed her screen and it looks brand new! For a very reasonable fee and in the same day! Very highly recommended!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Holly Kechriotis<\/a>
00:37 16 Sep 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent customer service. Very knowledgeable and efficient. We will be coming back for all of our electronics repairs and accessories. David was so sweet and friendly. He did a great job!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
La G\u00fcera PV<\/a>
22:33 08 Sep 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Took my daughters iPhone 8 Plus to be repaired and it was complete within an hour. They also reset her phone and made sure it started up correctly. Highly recommend and they have a warranty on their service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Katie Malone<\/a>
20:58 08 Sep 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Ajay was extremely helpful and prompt and very much on time with his repairs. My iPhone camera is now working perfectly! If I need more repairs I will definitely be back. Thank you again, Ajay!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lori Tallman<\/a>
19:36 06 Sep 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Ajay is kind, professional, and excellent quality of work. Said it would be done in 30 min and delivered that promise.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michelle Vicente<\/a>
00:32 01 Sep 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great place to get ur iPhone fixed I had broke both sides of the phone the screen n the back is glass tooThey fixed both sides ready the next day And beat everyone else's prices. These guys r the best<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Chris Cotter<\/a>
15:13 27 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very nice and helpful young man who did a fast and excellent job of repairing my daughter\u2019s cellphone screen. Much cheaper than the other repair store in Manteca. The store was also clean and spacious. I give it a 10\/10 HIGHLY RECOMMEND<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
01:15 27 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Price was a little high to be honest but the customer service was excellent and he is very fast . My phone looks brand new I love it! I\u2019ll be going back to fix another iphone.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jessica Livinglifting<\/a>
04:37 21 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> David was really nice and helpful with replacing my iPhone screen. Phone looks brand new and was done in less than 45 minutes, definitely my go to place for any phone repairs I may need.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Destiny M Ramirez<\/a>
23:04 19 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It was an awesome experience the only thing wrong with it all was the battery replacement. It won\u2019t fully charge and it says it needs to be serviced. Other than that they run a awesome store. Staff super awesome.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
wolves 67<\/a>
18:01 16 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I got great service by the technician in the store. Went out of way to ensure device was working properly.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
20:57 14 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great experience in fixing my sons' screen on his phone.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jodi Martini<\/a>
23:27 09 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The only downside of this establishment would be the closing time.Other than that the guys made sure I came out with a fixed phone and made me feel welcomed what more could you ask for.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Luis Matias<\/a>
12:34 04 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Thank you so much BLAKE, for your remarkable customer service! Parts needed were in stock! Nobody else in the area had the needed parts. It was well worth the drive to Manteca. It was late on a Friday night, closing time on a holiday weekend, and Blake fixed everything, with his POSITIVE attitude and his efficient skills! Thank you FIX ALL. Your name is perfect!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kim Bonnema<\/a>
02:36 02 Jul 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I dropped off my phone and it was gone on about an hour looking and working good as new<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Karina schmidt<\/a>
22:01 10 Jun 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fixed my loaner phone when my screen cracked and even the frame was wobbly but Blake was able to bring it back to life without charging me an arm and a leg! He also gave me great advice and saved me some money from trying to fix an old generation iPad. Thank you guys.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
H Jackson<\/a>
03:41 06 Jun 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I dropped my Samsung phone, cracked the top of the screen, and 5 hours later the screen started flashing white and I could only see shadows of icons. The next day I took it to RepairALL and they had a screen in stock. They were super friendly and done in about an hour! I'm so glad I got the screen replaced instead of getting a new phone!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
02:09 21 May 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Usually great service. I come here cause id rather fix my phone over paying insurance. It\u2019s cheaper and waaayyy faster to go through them.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Fredo Lua<\/a>
20:36 16 May 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great repair place fast quick and efficient \u203c\ufe0f<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ramone Patterson<\/a>
23:29 28 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> RepairAll was very quick and knowledgeable when it came to needing my tablets screen repaired.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ryan Verble<\/a>
04:17 27 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> RepairALL is the only place I take my phone if it\u2019s having any issues. The staff are all extremely knowledgeable, professional, & kind. The service is absolutely fantastic. I cannot recommended RepairALL enough.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
K Tobin<\/a>
02:37 19 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast service and moderate prices. Phone was repaired in less than 1 and a half hours.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tina Johnson<\/a>
20:04 23 Mar 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent experience, quality pricing and great customer service.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Christopher Green<\/a>
21:40 06 Mar 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were very kind to me and it wasn't easy because I was very upset about my phone. When I called to see when the part would be in and it wasn't there yet they were very reassuring it would be there by Wednesday. Everyone was happy and smiling and I would recommend them to my friends. I don't normally recommend anybody so that's a big deal.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Terry Dee Matthews<\/a>
22:11 05 Mar 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Dropped in on a whim to switch out my cracked screen protector for a privacy screen protector, which was kindly done on site. Received good, helpful, courteous and prompt service. Thank you!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
19:29 05 Mar 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This is my second time at this place and they are very professional nice and friendly.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ana Padilla<\/a>
21:56 31 Jan 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very good customer support. Gentlemen that attended me answered all my questions and got straight to it ! Fixed my phone within 20-25 minutes. Job well done.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
BDM Miko<\/a>
01:26 11 Dec 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Came in to get my lens glass repaired. Humberto saw it was a lens saver and removed it. He noticed my screen had cracks and suggested to change it. He did a wonderful job!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gail Dorris<\/a>
01:23 08 Dec 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Dalton greeted me as I came in. He Was friendly professional and tech savvy. I brought my iPhone for the screen to be fixed and I plan on bringing my laptop and get his opinion if I should fix it or not.Btw-my iPhone was fixed within about 45 minutes as he he had one person ahead of me. I went and did shopping and he call to let me know my iPhone was ready. Great customer serviceThanks<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Donna Kopecki<\/a>
21:40 29 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast easy. Exactly what I was looking for!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
David Taylor<\/a>
20:33 26 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Best repair shop In town! Don\u2019t go anywhere else. I promise you will regret it and end up here anyways. I had my screen fixed at another repair shop here in town and within 2 months the entire screen fell out! I could literally see the inside of my phone! Took it to RepairALL and the noticed the other repair shop made lots of mistakes. Glued my phone back together for free!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kristie Cortez<\/a>
22:19 07 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Quick and affordable! Great customer service. I\u2019m definitely going back when I need any help with my devices.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
The Lost Demo<\/a>
00:17 18 Oct 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was pleasantly surprised by this place. I walked in and was greeted right away. It only took 20mins to replace my cracked phone screen and was really inexpensive. I would definitely be coming back, but I hope I won\u2019t have too.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Consuelo Llamas<\/a>
01:25 09 Oct 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Austin is very knowledgeable and a true Professional. He changed the battery of my iPhone right on the spot. I shopped around and chose to pay a little more than another giy in town because I been here twice before and I have always had excellent service plus the give you a 1yr warranty apposedto a 60day . Austin didn't disappoint and I definitely will bring my phone repair needs here. Shop Local<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Brian P<\/a>
02:08 05 Oct 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Thank you so much! I anticipated a long wait and high price for my repair and was PLEASANTLY surprised to have such a short wait time and reasonable pricing!!! Awesome customer service too!! I will definitely be recommending your business to anyone who needs repairs!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Allison Smart<\/a>
18:23 22 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Best place to go if you need your phone fixed! Mine took less than an hour to fix and Leticia was so nice and communicated with me about everything before they looked at my phone! I\u2019m so happy with my service! Thank you!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sara Scooby<\/a>
23:52 25 Aug 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This place is awesome! They finished my phone screen within 30 minutes and it looks brand new. Customer service was amazing and they did a fantastic job!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Aaliayah Stine<\/a>
21:53 09 Aug 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> A great experience. 10 stars and great customer service... they fixed my Samsung Galaxy 8 Note and it was affordable.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Denise Dorsey<\/a>
22:52 27 Jul 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> First timer and Jacob was so helpful. Had my daughter's phone done is 30 min. I will come back if I need services ... Phone looked brand new! Screen was perfect! Thank you!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lizi J<\/a>
23:53 29 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Repair All was amazing! Excellent customer service, fast and efficient service, and affordable pricing! I was literally in and out in 30 minutes! Thanks for everything! \u2764\ufe0f<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Genesis Emery<\/a>
21:56 27 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The girl that works there is a amazing person not only was she honest kind and help me fix my phone She did this all while I was on my lunch break for She did this all while I was on my Lunch break. And after everything she also gave me a first time discount. I couldn't ask for more<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jake Thomas<\/a>
18:50 11 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent service at a reasonable price. Mike was very friendly and professional. I would highly recommend this business. Very satisfied will my cell phone screen repair and a laptop repair.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gary Vierra<\/a>
21:12 08 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Mike was awesome and fixed my phone in minutes. He was very sweet and made sure it was working before I left. I recommend this establishment, if you need a repair<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Seachelle Beauty<\/a>
23:50 03 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The service was amazing- I was in and out in twenty minutes! Leticia was very knowledgeable and answered all of my questions. I had the screen replaced on my iPhone.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mario Ysit<\/a>
23:24 24 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The young man that helped me in there to fix my iPad for my granddaughter was amazing I will go back there for any computer phone or anything need<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
crazy fam<\/a>
02:37 24 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Mike Is a great guy. If you need a phone repair I would definitely recommend heading over to RepairAll. The price for the repair may be a little more, but nothing beats having great customer service that you can trust if you end up finding a button or something goes out after the repair. Not that common these days to find that in a business.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dylan Gromowsky<\/a>
21:27 22 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Needed a screen repair and dropped my phone off it was fixed within an hour and I am very happy with the level of service I received I will go in there again.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Rob Erskine<\/a>
15:44 22 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was able to make an appointment for right away to have my battery replaced. It took 30 minutes, and my phone is as good as new!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jenny Humphrey<\/a>
02:02 09 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Leticia was quick to respond and so professional. She fixed our iPhone battery charger in record time for good value. Much better than having to pay for a new phone! T-Mobile recommended this store. Thank you for your great job!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Adele Gribble<\/a>
02:40 06 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Been here twice for 2 different devices and they came back good as new!! Very nice worker named Leticia and it was all done pretty fast, not long of a wait to get my devices back! Great pricing too! I will come back here if I need any devices repaired!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Adrienne Saez<\/a>
00:35 25 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fantastic service! They had alot of business and still got my phone out in under two hours. Both people working were very courteous and helpful. Will absolutely recommend to anyone\ud83d\ude0a<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Nanci Nichols<\/a>
20:31 19 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Leticia was very courteous and efficient in repairing my phone. It was done exactly at the time she said! I highly recommend Leticia and RepairAll for phone repair need<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
John Ingle<\/a>
21:46 08 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I went here because of there rating and wasn\u2019t disappointed. I had just went somewhere else ( manteca computer services) and had some faulty screen replacement that ended up frying my motherboard and top it all off screen didn\u2019t work properly.... So I explained my concern and frustration and the young lady here assured me she could fix and she had it fixed in 30 min unlike other place that took a week also said I would have a year warranty on the screen, so super happy wish I would have went there to begin with<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Glenn Thompson<\/a>
03:38 27 Feb 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very helpful and fast service. Nice store. Friendly staff members<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Andrew Dameral<\/a>
23:29 06 Feb 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Dropped my phone off and POW!! New battery installed in 30 min. Setting the bar for my customer experience.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dan Piccola<\/a>
04:19 10 Jan 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Went in today to repair my granddaughter\u2019s iPhone.Was helped by Luis, who provided excellent customer service. He was helpful and very patient. He also helped me restore the phone after he repaired it and was friendly during the process. I will definitely be back.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jeannette Sanchez<\/a>
02:26 10 Jan 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service. Very polite. Came in and asked if the screen could be replaced and it was done in less than an hour.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lynette Barrington<\/a>
00:03 24 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I broke my iPhones screen today and was happily surprised that I was able to make an appointment to get it repaired the same day!Luis was very helpful and professional and FAST!Thanks for great service! I would definitely recommend!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Merisa Eavenson<\/a>
04:41 23 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were able to fix my daughters phone, which I thought was beyond repair! In 45 minutes! Leticia was very nice!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mary Pat Van Wyngarden<\/a>
04:14 17 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Was super helpful and quick. Communicated all my options and in the end I am extremely happy<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Elizabeth Wise<\/a>
22:24 16 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very friendly and professional repair was done five minutes earlier from the estimated time .Excellent job.I\u2019ll definitely recommend anyone who needs a cellphone repair .....to repair ALL....you will be happy.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
John Sotiriadis<\/a>
04:52 16 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Went here to get a battery replacement for my daughters iphone, super quick, great service, professional. Even got 10 bucks off for being a first time customer. Sweeeeeet.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
21:28 20 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Phone Screen\/digitizer was fixed perfect. Good friendly service as well. Couldn\u2019t be happier.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jason Hopson<\/a>
07:36 12 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I can always depend on quality work, great customer service and professionalism. Thank you, Luis and other wonderful staff!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Maria Teixeira<\/a>
23:23 10 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent Service, Very Punctual & have good knowledge of the appliances. Cheap, Best & Friendly. I will refer to everyone without doubt. \u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
KS Sarabha Fan<\/a>
02:56 05 Aug 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This business is amazing! The guy that fixed my phone was super nice and professional and hepful. Thank you so much!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ellen Oliveira<\/a>
22:58 04 Aug 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great and fast service. My phone was severely damaged, it was fixed in under an hour and excellent customer service. Thank you.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Si M<\/a>
02:40 19 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Came in twice earlier with an unresponsive phone screen, very professional, wonderful service and only took them a few minutes to fix it. The man at the desk was very polite and I will be recommending this place to anybody who needs their devices fixed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Carson Galilean<\/a>
01:39 15 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I really was at my wit's end with my daughter and her I phone screen that was damaged. And if it were not for this place and the gentleman who was very nice and professional I don't know what I would have done! If I ever need something like this I will definitely be back and tell others about my great experience at RepairALL<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Monae Treat<\/a>
04:48 19 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> So my phone got stepped on and my phone stopped working completely, first it was a blur then it would not turn back on. It was my first time taking it in and the customer service Greg provided was absolutely great! I thought it was going to take a while to get my phone fixed but it ONLY took 30 minutes and the price was reasonable! He did forget to give back my screen protector back because he had to leave as soon as my phone was fixed due to a family emergency \u2639\ufe0f But overall, I would highly recommend this place if anything happens to your electronics.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Anna Almento<\/a>
21:28 18 May 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Their customer service is great! I was greeted when I walked in the door and immediately helped. My iPad had a terrible crack in the screen and now it looks brand new! Thank you so much for helping me!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Elysia Brickley<\/a>
14:53 09 May 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Called 45 minutes before they closed, Luis assured me he could replace the screen on my granddaughter's iPhone 7 if we could get there soon. Now 20 minutes later we were there and it's Luis replaced the screen and the world was perfect once again. We've dealt with a lot of repair stores, this was by far the most efficient and affordable, we will be back!!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gramps Lee<\/a>
05:18 26 Apr 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> A couple weeks ago on Friday I brought my laptop with a replacement battery to be picked up the next day. Prior to closing I received a call informing me that I had the incorrect battery and the technician provided me with specifics from the battery in my laptop, which I was able to look-up on Amazon. A week later the correct replacement came so I returned with my laptop and was able to pick it up Saturday afternoon. I appreciate the quick turnaround, I\u2019ve noticed an improvement over the past few days.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mar St John<\/a>
04:28 17 Mar 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Last night my iPhone XS Max screen got shattered, I was looking for a repair shop, and found this shop. I walked in and Talked to Moe, although I didn\u2019t have an appointment, he was able to take me in and was helpful and told me my phone was going to be ready in an hour. I left my phone and returned later. My phone looks and feels brand new! Moe even helped my find a better tempered glass screen protector with better warranty then Zag. Prices were more than fair and I would come back the moment I have an issue with my phone or iPad!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
David Saldivar<\/a>
05:30 16 Mar 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Absolutely loved the customer service and the speedy repair. Claudia made sure I did not leave without a good protector case and screen protector. whatever questions i did have she was able to answer them. She even went above and beyond to help us in our time of need. I highly recommend this repair shop.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Malene Valencia<\/a>
21:36 04 Mar 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The best customer service I\u2019ve experienced. That\u2019s what I call the definition of someone who takes their job as if it was theirs. Being the face of the company as employee, she represents RepairAll Phone Repair very well..<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Daniel Santiago<\/a>
19:17 28 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Bryan was great, service was perfect some of these reviews on here are horrible, if your device is non function when you take it in, liability is on you if something is not working. Bryan quoted me over the phone for a screen and battery replacement on my iPhone, he was able to get me in right away, he kept me updated along the way which I thought was nice, phone was repaired and I had it back in a few hours, he even gave me a discount for replacing both items at the same time. Their policies are written out in the shop, as is their warranty, read it. I\u2019ve already recommended this place to a few people.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tyrus Quintana<\/a>
18:15 16 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very fast and always courteous staff. Always able to fix any device I bring into them. Fast turn around time and very reasonable with prices. I recommend them to all my friends with tech device issues regarding phones, tablets, computers, laptops, and even game council's.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
gerry saunders<\/a>
05:32 09 Jan 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was so excited to find my screen was not broken, but just the tempered glass screen protector I had bought here a few months ago. I was so happy, I bought a screen protector for that phone and for another family member. Claudia was superb in service and professionalism!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mary Jo Press<\/a>
23:10 28 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The staff are very helpful and friendly. One employee, I believe his name is Ke\u2019Shaun, replaced my phone screen in a matter of minutes and explained the process as he took it apart. They also have a pretty nice selection of cases and accessories. I definitely recommend RepairAll to anyone who needs phone repair!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Steve Turner<\/a>
21:53 22 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service! Super honest and helpful! Saved me money compared to getting my screen replaced at the mall and it was done the same day!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Joelle Machado<\/a>
18:28 12 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Thank you RepairALL Phone Repair for helping me out. My phone died because of a chip malfunction, I took it to apple and they said it could not be fixed. I would have lost all my contacts and pictures! I'm so glad I took my phone to you guys, you replaced the chip and my phone is working again! Thank you very very much.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Roberto Mendoza<\/a>
16:40 23 Oct 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I always go to them and recommend my friends and family to go to this one to fix their phones. The workers are nice and helped me save so much money to fix my phone battery and screen<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
arriana arteaga<\/a>
17:30 06 Oct 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Went in got a battery for a S6 phone , done fast.Then went got 2 aux. Cables ... Great prices and service \ud83d\ude01<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michelle Sanchez<\/a>
16:26 03 Oct 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I thought I needed to replace the charging port on my iphone. Greg could have done that. But he was honest and told me it only needed to be cleaned, which he did at no charge. I wanted to buy something to say thanks and help keep this business growing. So I bought a charging cable!!! Thanks Greg!! I'll be back!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Andrew Rodriguez<\/a>
22:23 30 Sep 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Just got my iPhone 7 repaired in 30 min with Greg the manager ! Great work! I highly recommend this place to someone who needs to fix their phone quickly, and it's very affordable! Will definitely recommend to everyone!!!!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sammie Kasper<\/a>
17:37 18 Sep 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The worker who helped me was very helpful and informative. Prices were good and he even got me a $10 coupon. Finished my repair in 15 minutes!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Monica Eavenson<\/a>
19:07 04 Sep 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Friendly and reliable. Once part was received it was installed into my computer within an hour. Pricing was fair and would recommend.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Desiree Roche<\/a>
19:02 24 Aug 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very friendly. Went above and beyond to take care of my phone! I drive to the Manteca location instead of my home town location purely for the staff. Would definitely recommend to anyone needing repairs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lauren C<\/a>
16:38 06 Aug 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I recently dropped my iPhone & cracked the screen\u2014again! Having done this two previous times, I was well acquainted with the process of having the screen replaced. I was pleased to find RepairALL within 10 min. of my home instead of having to drive to the next larger town. Not only was it convenient, the repair gentleman was delightful\/knowledgeable and quickly replaced my screen (& case) for a very reasonable price! I am pleased to give RepairALL my highest recommendation!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Barbara Estermann<\/a>
18:10 30 Jul 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> iPhone 6S screen Repair was fast and fairly priced, quality service and quality product. Definitely would go again<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mark Nguyen<\/a>
19:02 24 Jul 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My iPad screen had shattered so badly and a lot of the pieces of the screen were missing; also my old iPhone had a cracked screen and bad battery which the agents fixed right away. I had to travel in 2 days and had mentioned it so they fixed my stuff fast! I can\u2019t thank them enough! The prices are so great compared to other places as well. I\u2019m a happy customer!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jasmin Hussain<\/a>
16:30 08 Jul 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Reasonable prices and very helpful. Customer service is great! My boyfriend and I got our phones fixed within an hour. Highly recommend this place.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Klarissa Del Aguila<\/a>
06:32 08 Jul 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I don\u2019t know the name of the dude that repaired my phone screen but he had great customer service skills. We chatted while he was doing the repair and he was friendly and knowledgeable.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Megan Meler<\/a>
21:11 11 Jun 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> RepairALL is a great place to get your phone fixed. I\u2019ve been twice, I\u2019m a vip member so I get discounts sent to my phone often. It\u2019s nice to see they care and send discounts. I\u2019ll continue to come here for my iPhone repairs. Their fast as well!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Nickeo Molina<\/a>
15:47 28 May 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Really great customer service! I messaged Repair All Phone Repair and another local phone repair shop through the maps app with my phone info and what I needed fixed. Repair All promptly replied within 30 minutes with a quote and also notified me that the part would have to be ordered. The other place read my message, but never answered. So I went in store to Repair All and paid, about a week later I got a text saying my part was in. I called and asked if they had time to fix it now. Dropped it off and an hour later was ready to go. Employee even left the protective plastic on there, and left it up to me if I wanted to take it off or leave it on, which is a nice gesture in my opinion because I know some people who do like to leave it on. Basically, I would DEFINITELY recommend that you go here for any phone repairs.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Miguel Cuellar<\/a>
04:18 18 May 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> These guys are awesome! I was in town on business, dropped my phone, and shattered the screen. Price was reasonable and I was in and out in less than 15 minutes. Would definitely recommend them to anyone in the area.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jerry D<\/a>
21:50 11 May 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I now have my go-to place when I need cell phone repairs done. Greg was very helpful trying to repair my liquid damaged 5S (irreparable damage done). He was very helpful in guidance as well when I was looking for a replacement phone. Don''t hesitate - great service!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Stephanie M<\/a>
18:38 06 May 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The guy is great! Very friendly he did a great job! Reasonably priced and quick service\ud83d\ude0a<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
cynthia crawford<\/a>
19:39 27 Apr 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Myra was the best.. very patient with me.. very knowledgable.. super calm even dealing with me after having my phone stolen. Will be back..!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Chrisitne Marlowe<\/a>
21:40 12 Apr 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Myra is a genius. she took what I was under the impression to be a total loss (iPhone 6s plus) that was cracked, frame bent, LCD screen looked like a colorful inkblot, with water mixed in, and in about 35 minutes returned to me a brand new phone. I cannot say this enough this place is awesome! For those of you who dont have insurance on your devices, and cant afford the 900+$ to replace it, Go to repair all! Talk to MYRA shes amazingly talented and super helpful and polite. 100% in customer service!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Amanda Dillman<\/a>
17:00 24 Mar 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast friendly service! Fair price and gives you discount. I had a badly cracked screen and he fixed in like 30 mins. Highly recommendable!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lorraine Everingham<\/a>
08:46 03 Mar 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Thank you so much. The repairman was very personable and very capable.This is the second time my phone had acted up. The first time I cracked the screen; when it want working properly after several months I took it back. Everything was totally covered by warranty.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kimette Johnson<\/a>
17:39 23 Feb 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service and very fast. The gentleman who helped me was very nice and gave me realistic times for my phone part to come in and for repair. I hope I don't break my phone camera lens again but if I do, I'll be bringing it back to RepairAll to have fixed because of their great service<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Veronica Alvarez<\/a>
17:18 16 Feb 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> 2nd time in for service. Yes, I dropped it AGAIN.I cannot say enough for their business and service, Honestly!Last time in I purchased a new screen. I was told a screen protector could save my screen from cracking, so I had them put one on.When I dropped my phone, I could see the glass was shattered. I brought it in to have the glass replaced and when the gentleman removed the screen protector, I was shocked. For once, I had been sold something that actually worked. I had a new screen protector placed and my phone is like new again.I would recommend this company to all. You will not be disappointed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Deborah Marini<\/a>
19:38 10 Feb 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I love no hassle shops! Walked in and out with a new screen and case in under 20 minutes! The gentleman at the counter was very nice and very knowledgeable, will definitely be back again<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sara D<\/a>
21:39 03 Feb 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Knowledgeable, courteous young lady that helped me. She stopped what she was doing and gave me her undivided attention. Answered all questions ( pricing, sizes and etc) Nice place. Looks like they have every type of case and screen protector that one would need.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Victor Rojas<\/a>
19:08 31 Jan 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was referred here by a friend and let me tell you , WOW! My kid dropped my phone and shattered the screen and it wouldn\u2019t turn on and my friend told me about this place and so I called and Gregory said I didn\u2019t need an apt and the repair would take about 30 mins, I got there and wasn\u2019t disappointed, no lines to wait in , Gregory was very professional and obviously very knowledgeable and my repair was done in less time then I was told. I will definitely spread the word about this shop ! Thank you \ud83d\ude42<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jesse Moore<\/a>
18:20 05 Jan 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I brought two phones in with shattered screens. Both phones look like new again and work great. The service was much faster then I expected and Greg is super nice. I will use them again in the future.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Judy Payne<\/a>
21:24 21 Dec 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Love this place. Always fast service and professional with fair prices! Grateful to have such a quality store for phone repair in Manteca!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
20:18 14 Dec 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great, friendly service. And with expensive high tech devices, it is good to know that they are skilled. My repair required soldering tiny connections and they did it well. Kept me updated during the process and charged me very fairly. This is now my go to repair center.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
doug reif<\/a>
20:16 12 Dec 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent customer service! Came in at 12pm for a cracked screen repair on my iPhone and had it back by 12:30pm. Very friendly staff. Will definitely use their services again.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Scherie Whaley<\/a>
18:56 21 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Greg did an awesome job on the phone repair. Overall services and price was great! THANKS Greg...keep up the good work.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
kathy ward<\/a>
21:07 11 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Hands down the best spot to go to if you need your devices fixed. I had a laptop screen cracked, brought him the laptop with the parts I already ordered and he replaced the screen on my laptop in less than a hour and it only cost me $45. He\u2019s the go to guy! He fixed another laptop of mine as well and a screen on my iPhone. He knows what he\u2019s doing.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jay Black<\/a>
16:08 21 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Best repair shop around ! The manager Gregory was very helpful and knew what he was talking about. Fixed my screen in the time he said he would and my phone works even better now! Will definitely be my go to shop !!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sam Strauss<\/a>
19:45 10 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Awesome service at RepairAll. I couldn\u2019t believe how incredibly fast it was getting my iPhone screen replaced. Thank you so much!! I will definitely come back.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
21:16 18 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was referred to this shop by the ATT store almost a year ago. . I am a repeat customer and I will continue to use this repair shop for all my electronics. I needed a screen replaced on my iPhone 6. Repaired while I waited and with the coupon the cost was $30 less than batteries plus. Recently had another phone fixed and was given a generous discount for an inconvenience caused by a new employee. This shop stands behind their customers with courtesy and great service, I would recommend this shop to everyone.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Grams Boyz<\/a>
18:08 08 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I thought I would have to get a whole new phone after I dropped mine this last time. I called around to get quotes on my phone and found out that RepairAll was the only repair store to offer a free diagnosis in the area. So I took my IPhone 6 to RepairAll the next day as soon as the store opened. I could tell that Gregory knew what he was doing because he fixed it within 15 minutes! The repair was affordable and the customer service was excellent. I definitely give it 5 stars!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Joe Davidson<\/a>
20:44 05 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very welcome friendly service. Totally treated us like family. Or old friends. Highly recommended and respected. If I ever have to go & get another fix. We will be going back \ud83d\ude42<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
R & S Degerman<\/a>
00:58 25 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The store is super clean & organized - they're always available & ready to assist. Repair costs very reasonable and are completed in a timely matter. This is the part that sets RepairALL above it's competition - no matter if they get my business or not, I know Greg & staff will guide me into the correct direction.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Renee Andrews<\/a>
17:51 23 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My IPhone went for swim for about an hour and a half. Got a new phone, however, I saw this store next to the AT&T store and thought I will let them look at the damaged phone. Free estimate with 30 minutes and 2 hours later my phone was fixed. Just restored the software at home and the thing worked perfectly. I wouldn\u2019t of bought a new phone if I talked to these guys first. Also couldn\u2019t ask better professionalism.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Charles Kirkham<\/a>
17:40 05 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Honestly, now I won't go anywhere else. My phone screen completely shattered on the kitchen floor. I called on a whim and I couldn't ask for more! Excellent customer service, affordable prices, super helpful and got my phone fixed in minutes! I definitely recommend!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shayna Eisma<\/a>
15:37 03 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The young man that helped me seemed to be very knowledgeable and customer oriented. I was extremely happy with the outcome of my visit. He met and exceeded my needs. I would highly recommend and certainly will return.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jim Silva<\/a>
18:30 19 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I found RepairAll online with great reviews and I walked in with an iPhone nightmare- multiple broken phones that all decided to have problems at the same time. I picked up my working phones an hour later and they are as good as new! The price was great too. I HIGHLY recommend this place to anybody that needs repairs done. I wish I had found them a long time ago!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Valerie O\u2019Hara<\/a>
15:39 15 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Really great place with super friendly and great service. Will go back and recommend it 100%.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Maria Amarante<\/a>
14:51 13 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Best price I was able to locate in Manteca for iPhone 7plus screen replacement. Clean, comfortable environment. But more importantly: fast, friendly & professional service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
C B<\/a>
15:40 11 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great place and great employees! The manger Gregory was very helpful and very knowledgeable, as promised my phone was up and running in less than 30 minutes , definitely will be back for all my cellphone needs<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Alex Moore<\/a>
19:30 05 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I stopped into Repair All to see about replacing the battery in an iPhone 5. Ten minutes later the problem was fixed and I was on my way. The service was excellent and much less expensive than replacing the phone.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gary Malhiot<\/a>
16:52 11 Jun 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Went in, and 30 minutes later my broken screen was replaced and I was all fixed. Friendly guy, he made it easy. Cheaper than Asurian and faster. I should have gone RepairAll when my charge port gave out. I would have saved money.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
James Muthart<\/a>
16:04 08 Jun 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Cracking an IPad mini screen is painful. My 7 yr old Grandson literrally demolished it. Another place in Manteca said they couldn\u2019t fix it. So, I went to a repair place in the Bay Area (surely they can fix it) \u201cNope\u201d they couldn\u2019t fix it either. I was getting some screen protectors on 2 new mini I pad\u2019s for my grandkids and starting telling Greg (Manager) about the cracked up one. He was surprised that the other places said they couldn\u2019t fix it so I went home and got it and sure enough, Noel, fixed it! Amazing! This is the best place ever! These guys are such a pleasure!! I actually enjoyed coming here! They are highly skilled and do fantastic work!! I highly recommend RepairAll!! 10 Stars!!!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sherri Spera<\/a>
21:33 28 May 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It was fast efficient and that have great reward system and it all seemed to be fairly cheap overall the best place to get your phone repaired<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kill me INow<\/a>
14:20 15 May 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I had talked to someone two days prior to coming in to get my screen fixed and was offered a good deal, called after a few days talked to someone new and asked about what the other guy had offered and he said he would honor it, I thought that was pretty awesome! Super fast, only took 20 minutes to fix and not super expensive like other places! Very nice as well. Highly recommend my screen looks good as new!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
18:35 26 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Repaired My iPhone last night speaker glass and battery excellent service great pricing and extremely fast repair everything turned out great would not use another repair shop<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
maria reynaga<\/a>
19:14 12 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Awesome dude here! I was stuck carrying a bunch of tools and my phone was dead(long story). I walked in there and he was happy to charge my phone for me and got me sent home with a new charger. Dude literally saved my day!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Robert Craig<\/a>
15:59 06 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Awesome service by Noel!! He was courteous and was able to fixed my phone with no problem. Thank you, Noel!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Pelagia Barbosa<\/a>
19:34 04 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Went to the Manteca location by in & out right off the freeway & the guy (i forgot his name) was super cool & professional. The place itself was very nice a taken care of too! Overall I was very happy I stopped by to get my phone fixed! Great Work!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mariano Villalobos<\/a>
16:39 30 Mar 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very customer service oriented as well as very accurate diagnosis and repair. They definitely make repairs a viable option.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ibew Sis<\/a>
01:05 28 Feb 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I broke my phone screen and use my phone for business and needed to get it fixed. I went to RepairAll in Manteca on Hulsey road and they fixed it within minutes! I also invested in a fireproof case for better better protection and they gave me a great discount on the case and $10 off for signing up on their rewards program! They were great and I\u2019d strongly recommend the guys at RepairAll! Thank you!!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gina Rosamond<\/a>
16:09 16 Feb 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The folks at RepairAll are friendly as you walk in the door. They are very knowledgeable and will address your concerns right away. They changed my iPhone 7 Plus broken and cracked screen in about 30 minutes. Located right next door to Starbucks, Mr Pickles sandwiches and have tables out front and chairs indoors at RepairAll. Lots of cases to choose from and other accessories too. When you see In N Out burger RepairAll is right behind it. I would recommend RepairAll to others looking to have their phones repaired.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Alan James II<\/a>
18:32 12 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I shattered my IPhone 7 Plus screen completely. I came in to repairALL mid day on a Friday and he told me it would take 40 minutes to replace the screen. It was done 40 minutes later. Same cost as taking it to the apple store but way faster and more convenient. No hassle.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Adrienne Sorenson<\/a>
04:14 11 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I needed my phone repaired ASAP and had very important pictures and information on my phone like we all do. They fixed it within 30 minutes and were very professional and helpful. Although the battery didn\u2019t fix my problem they tried two more times with the product and after failure to help my phone they gave a refund. I would recommend this place to everyone I know a lot cheaper and way more helpful then all the others in Manteca and elsewhere for that matter. You don\u2019t feel like your getting scammed or cheated on price and false information like other places. Thanks repair all!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lexus Barnes<\/a>
22:29 28 Nov 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I have been to this store multiple times to give them my business and I must say that Greg and Noel are consummate professionals and have a genuine interest and passion in ensuring that every customer receives superior customer service. I recommend that anyone who has a repair need visit this store. You will not be disappointed. Peace to all who read this and to those two gentleman. Thank you. - JC<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Johnmichael Clark<\/a>
15:58 28 Nov 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service! John was very helpful and awesome. He did a data transfer for me and it was done quick and everything I requested was done. I was very well satisfied! Highly recommended!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Soni Latu<\/a>
23:46 28 Oct 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I broke my iPhone screen and wasn\u2019t sure if there was more damage because before the screen cracked all the way my phone glitched out terribly, so today after my daughters soccer game I went to this location to get a quote and after speaking to the technician he told me that they could do a free diagnostic which was great because I wasn\u2019t sure if I need a new phone or just a new screen. The diagnostic was done in less than 10 minutes and it turned out I just needed a new screen (great news) so I was in and out within 30 minutes which is notable because I couldn\u2019t get an appointment with Apple until a week and a half from today! The technician was super friendly and made the whole experience wonderful from beginning to end..the apple store is good at what they do BUT as far as expedited repairs and customer service they are lacking. I will be taking our phones here from now on not just based on that but the price as well! I don\u2019t always leave reviews but when I do it\u2019s because the service was above and beyond or extremely lacking in quality and I\u2019m happy to say that this was a great experience and have already told family and friends about it! -thank you again!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michelle Taylor e<\/a>
20:18 21 Oct 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service! Great price! Great staff! They knew what my phone problem was, ordered the part, and as soon as it arrive they took care of my phone. So much better than having to purchase a new phone.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
22:05 11 Oct 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Joe Hernandez provided top notch service. Clean store with an inviting atmosphere. I took my phone in with a seperated screen and he fixed it while I waited. In and out with no problems.! Highly recommended to anyone in need of repair.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kevin Berry<\/a>
17:46 06 Oct 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
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