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Phone Repair
Stockton, CA<\/h1>\n

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5756 Pacific Ave.,
Space 9,
Stockton, CA 95207<\/h5>\n

(209) 831-2274<\/a><\/h4>\n
<\/i> Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM<\/h5>\n
<\/i> Sun 10:00AM-5PM<\/h5>\n
(209) 831-2274<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n


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5756 Pacific Ave.,
Space 9,
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 831-2274<\/p>\n

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5756 Pacific Ave.,
\nSpace 9,
\nStockton, CA 95207<\/h5>\n

(209) 831-2274<\/a><\/h4>\n
<\/i> Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM<\/h5>\n
<\/i> Sun 10:00AM-5PM<\/h5>\n
(209) 831-2274<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n


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_module_preset=”default” custom_padding=”20px||20px||false|false” link_option_url=”\/game-console-repair\/” border_color_all=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” border_width_bottom=”3px” border_color_bottom=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}” transform_styles__hover_enabled=”on|hover” background__hover_enabled=”on|hover” background_color__hover=”#f8f8f8″ background_enable_color__hover=”on” border_width_bottom__hover_enabled=”on|desktop” border_width_all__hover_enabled=”on|hover” border_color_all__hover=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” border_color_all__hover_enabled=”on|desktop” border_width_bottom__hover=”3px” transform_scale__hover_enabled=”on|hover” transform_translate__hover_enabled=”on|hover” transform_rotate__hover_enabled=”on|hover” transform_skew__hover_enabled=”on|hover” transform_origin__hover_enabled=”on|hover” border_color_bottom__hover=”#0C71C3″ border_color_bottom__hover_enabled=”on|hover”][et_pb_image src=”\/wp-content\/uploads\/2022\/04\/game_console_repair.png” title_text=”game_console_repair” url=”\/game-console-repair\/” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” width=”150px” custom_margin=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding=”||||false|false” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” text_font=”|700|||||||” text_orientation=”center” global_colors_info=”{}”]GAME CONSOLE REPAIR[\/et_pb_text][\/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_5″ _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” custom_padding=”20px||20px||false|false” link_option_url=”\/trade\/” border_color_all=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” border_width_bottom=”3px” border_color_bottom=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}” transform_styles__hover_enabled=”on|hover” background__hover_enabled=”on|hover” background_color__hover=”#f8f8f8″ background_enable_color__hover=”on” border_width_bottom__hover_enabled=”on|desktop” border_width_all__hover_enabled=”on|hover” border_color_all__hover=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” border_color_all__hover_enabled=”on|desktop” border_width_bottom__hover=”3px” transform_scale__hover_enabled=”on|hover” transform_translate__hover_enabled=”on|hover” transform_rotate__hover_enabled=”on|hover” transform_skew__hover_enabled=”on|hover” transform_origin__hover_enabled=”on|hover” border_color_bottom__hover=”#0C71C3″ border_color_bottom__hover_enabled=”on|hover”][et_pb_image src=”\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/trade_in_3.png” title_text=”game_console_repair” url=”\/trade\/” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” width=”150px” custom_margin=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding=”||||false|false” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_image][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” text_font=”|700|||||||” text_orientation=”center” link_option_url=”\/trade\/” global_colors_info=”{}”]Trade-In[\/et_pb_text][\/et_pb_column][\/et_pb_row][\/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” custom_padding=”17px||3px|||” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”30px|||” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” header_2_font=”Bebas Neue|700|||||||” header_2_text_align=”center” header_2_font_size=”48px” custom_margin=”||7px|||” global_colors_info=”{}”]<\/p>\n

1,000+ Google Reviews!<\/h2>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_divider color=”#000000″ divider_weight=”3px” _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” width=”100px” module_alignment=”center” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_divider][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]

<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My daughter and I were searching for a place to get her phone repaired at. We didn\u2019t think we\u2019d find a place since it\u2019s a Sunday. We were already nearby so we decided to stop by and see if they had any time available. The gentleman there quickly serviced us and was done under 20minutes. I\u2019m definitely coming back here for any other phone repairs!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Maria Morfin<\/a>
22:05 21 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Just got my IPhone 6s Plus battery replaced by Ali!Very quick-under an hour, very courteous and very professional!Give these guys a call for your Cell Phone battery replacements!Highly recommend! Will be going back again without a doubt!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ron Ciron<\/a>
22:37 18 Apr 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service.the guy answered questions over the phone and I went down to the store. Repair done within 1 hour or so. Phone works great!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Beau Ritchie<\/a>
22:28 31 Mar 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was very happy that my tablet screen was replaced. Before going to Repair All I got all kind of outrageous estimates over the phone. 200, 300, ect I was happy to pay under under 170.00 dollars, considering what everyone else wanted to charge me.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lillie Earnest<\/a>
14:33 30 Mar 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Best repair experience I\u2019ve had. This is my second time coming here now and they\u2019re quick and reliable.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Andrew Sav<\/a>
01:45 30 Mar 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I am very pleased, my phone was repaired in an hour just as promised. The cost was more then I had been quoted by other's, but I didn't have to wait 2 or more day's. One hour and done. I will recommend other's to use them.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kim Stacy<\/a>
23:47 29 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service I highly recommend anyone who\u2019s having any phone troubles or cracked screens to go visit Ali he will take great care of you!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Alexander Dhatt<\/a>
02:50 13 Feb 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service. Price is very reasonable and they had my phone repaired within 30 minutes. I for sure will be going back for all my repairs and I do recommend this place to anybody who needs repairs also.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Alan Hof<\/a>
21:00 27 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast reliable and get the job done. Made sure they had parts to fiv the phone before I came in. Gave me time to come back and was done.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Steven B<\/a>
02:57 26 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very nice guys ! They helped repair my phone in less than 10 minutes. I also saved a bunch of money . Thanks !<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Avery Butler<\/a>
23:27 06 Jan 24<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service! All materials were in-store & the service was fast. 10\/10 definitely recommend.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Anjeneau Ward<\/a>
21:38 29 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Did what he said he would do, on time, on budget. With a helpful attitude.Giving my old IPad a new life.Great, thanksBill<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Bill Essert<\/a>
01:08 27 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Had a great experience. Got my screen fixed and purchased a few items. Quick and easy.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
beatriz rivera<\/a>
20:41 16 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I brought my IPad in to RepairALL for screen replacement , I really appreciated the the awesome customer service that I received. They did an excellent job on the repairs and for an affordable price. I\u2019ll be recommending my family and friends.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mintie Edadiz<\/a>
19:04 09 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The technician, Trenton, was super nice and fast. I was in and out in 15 minutes for my iPhone XS screen replacemt!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tour ni Frank<\/a>
03:55 05 Dec 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Took my discontinued Samsung Gear Fit Pro 2 to change the battery & the charging prongs (bought on Amazon) which no longer worked. Perfect repair, reasonable cost & alldone in less than 2 hours. Win win!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Denise K Stafford<\/a>
23:30 25 Oct 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent service I took in my oculus remote they don\u2019t work on those, but he tried anyway and fixed. It works great. Thanks for going above and beyond<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Joey H<\/a>
03:01 30 Sep 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Called in the day before to see if they had a screen for my Note 10+ which they did, went in the next day and got it repaired within an hour. The person that attended me was awesome and professional. Highly recommend<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
martin olivas<\/a>
02:35 21 Sep 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very quick , friendly, and professional. Answered all my questions and was able to repair screen , under an hour, for lowest price around , thank you<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
20:02 13 Sep 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I went here to get my computer fixed, told me 1-2 weeks and it only took about 9 days which worked out for me. It\u2019s quick and simple, most of all my computer looks brand new.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Da\u2019mya Williams<\/a>
00:18 30 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Took my kids phone inside because it was beyond repair and they gave it back in a few hours brand new and working.Right now I have my Tablet in repair, and they are communicating on the issues as they try to resolve its issues.5\/5 Review and I\u2019ll continue to update this review as my service will be with this company. Good work!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jonathan Gonzalez<\/a>
19:10 24 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My little brother dropped his phone at the gym he ended up having to get the screen and panel fixed. Only took 20 min. Fast service! The price was decent $139 \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
06:39 04 Aug 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This company and the workers there are extremely helpful and knowledgeable on phones. I am sooo glad I brought my iphone 11 here he had my phone back up and running in the matter of MINUTES and I came in with a completely wrecked phone . Thanks again for handling my phone with expertise and care. Sincerely Evonna!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Elizabeth Jones<\/a>
00:07 28 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Always like the staff. Very helpful and very respectful. I sent my wife in to get another for her new phone. They treated her very well.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Nick Curtin<\/a>
03:24 27 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service, the whole process was quick and easy. Will definitely be back if I need future service on any of my devices.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jessica Laisne<\/a>
22:10 08 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Nickolas was incredibly friendly and talkative. He was thoroughly helpful and completed our requests in a timely manner. Would recommend him to others.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kengee Vang<\/a>
01:19 06 Jul 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Went here the second time for the same phone that ended up broken. I know I need a bulletproof phone case lol. But I was helped right away, and the repair time was quicker than I expected. Great customer service from Gregory! Thanks again! \ud83d\udc9e<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Pamela Warren-Armstead<\/a>
03:25 24 Jun 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> A little pricier than the place in Lincoln center but way quicker. Customer service was great. Very helpful.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
ashley olmedo<\/a>
22:11 09 Jun 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The staff was extremely nice, professional and attentive from the moment i walked in the door. I felt comfortable and safe leaving my phone there i was positive they\u2019d fix my problem. They did an amazing job and of course fixed my phone!!! I would absolutely refer my friends and family to this establishment in the future<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Rachel Castillo<\/a>
06:45 27 May 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Smooth transaction, booked my appointment online. my phone got fixed as promised by the technician. Thanks you RepairALL. Keep it up!\ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\ude4c<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Victor Morales<\/a>
19:59 10 May 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Service was convenient and excellent. I appreciated the communication. The whole staff is awesome. My son was very thankful for them fixing his gaming PC \ud83d\ude42<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mia Caldwell<\/a>
01:13 10 May 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were very polite and gave me a quick quote right away on the spot and even fixed my screen in less then half an hour, great place to go to for sure.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Angel Saldana<\/a>
22:32 07 Apr 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Service was the best I walked in with my teenage daughter iPhone which the screen had been black for the past few days yet still receiving notifications this awesome guy said it was fixable and gave a price \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffdhe said he would call once it was fixed\u2026less then an hour later he called and said it was done and working \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffethank you so much it was nice to walk into a clean and friendly place of business and walk out an completely satisfied customers thanks \ud83d\ude0a she has been taking selfies since we left \ud83d\ude02<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Myisha Smith<\/a>
22:45 26 Mar 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It was my first time there to get my phone fix for moisture detection. It was kind of the tech named Irfaaz getting back with me about my phone charging port and asked if i want to replace a new battery. The repair took about 3hr30min for it to get it done. The total was fair, I paid 150. It is depend on what phone you have, so I say they really think of what's best for your phone and your satisfaction.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lynn GNAV<\/a>
23:21 28 Feb 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I had some very in-depth questions, my father has epilepsy and has had brain surgery and can\u2019t remember many things, time and time again we forget things about his phone and Nicolas was very nice to me and helped me with dad\u2019s phone navigate through different things. He is a very good asset to this company. Thank you so much for your help.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
James M<\/a>
18:35 13 Feb 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Excellent service with same day repair on screen replacement of Galaxy S10 with cracked and completely non-working screen. Nick on a Sunday did a great job, done when expected and got my phone back working fine so I can use at work this week. Galaxy screens not cheap to replace, but prompt good work by a skilled tech is worth it. Thanks<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Daniel D<\/a>
23:08 22 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Jacob did an excellent job on my S22 ultra. Not only he fixed the screen he also revived the cell service, I don't know how he did it but a job well done. Greatly appreciated Jacob. \ud83d\ude01<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
04:01 19 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service, they fixed my son phone on time, I highly recommend Repair All for any electronics that need repair they are very knowledgeable in their work and will be upfront with you if it will take longer. This place is very busy so call and make a appointment is best to get your phone on time or just do a walk in if you don\u2019t mind the wait time. Just wanted to give you guys a shout out keep up the great work guys.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mr Xiong<\/a>
23:34 15 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Rico went above and beyond in making sure our experience went well. We had an issue with our device after we got home. We called and spoke with Rico expecting to have to bring in the device another day to rectify the situation because he was closing in a few minutes, but he suggested coming in because the fix wouldn\u2019t take long. Long story short, the fix took a bit longer and wasn\u2019t entirely complete due to an error on his part.His willingness to make a suggestion and his humbleness for the transparency of his error shows he cares about his customers and is willing to make the extra effort to satisfy them, too.I already refer business to Repair All, but seeing their work ethic first hand makes future referrals easy to suggest.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Alex Tuliao<\/a>
05:06 11 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Rico was spectacular! He fixed my iPhone 11 screen and back camera quicker than I could\u2019ve thought while being the only one working with a bunch of customers walking and calling in. I would come back here and recommend RepairAll to everyone! Affordable prices and Rico was perfect, a true master and professional\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Travis Schlater<\/a>
03:10 11 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Nick's customer service was amazing! I left knowing I left my daughter's laptop in great hands! I know just where to come if I ever have any other tech issues! Thanks again Nick!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Maedesire Timbreza<\/a>
02:53 07 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very quick. Great price and Jacob was friendly and knowledgeable. Been coming for a few years now and have never been disappointed. Keep up the good work.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Cindy Abrescy<\/a>
19:39 05 Jan 23<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Located in a nice area of town with other shops around. Very clean interior. I noticed all the cell phone cases for Apple\/Android smartphones from reliable brands, displayed on the back wall which was nice to see. For a repair shop, the work area looked neat and organized.Very friendly staff member, Jacob, who assisted me. Explained options and recommendations for my damaged phone. Service was done within a few hours. Warranty of part replaced explained upon pickup of my phone. A bit pricey, but somewhat expected for a cell phone repair. Will definitely be back for any phone issues in the future. Recommended!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
08:42 31 Dec 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were very helpful in the store, I had called ahead and asked if they had the screen protector that I wanted to get to replace my cracked one, and he gave me the types that they had and the price over the phone and he said he would warm up the machine they use for me, because I said I would be there in a couple minutes. When I got to the store, they were able to replace my screen protector very quickly, and I could tell that customer satisfaction was their top priority. Very good experience! I'm glad I chose to go to this store, and my phone looks great!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Elizabeth Aguilar<\/a>
16:50 20 Nov 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Had to get a new screen, no other contact number so I said I would return when they were done. Turns out it's kinda hard taking a nap with no alarm on my phone (since it's with these guys) so I woke up LATE. Guess who was still open and waiting for me after hours? RepairALL. Specifically Jake I believe. Awesome guys, great service<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Imagine Gamer<\/a>
02:29 05 Nov 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Jacob Brown is an awesome service provider. He is knowlegeable, friendly, honest, and aims to meet his customers' satisfaction.The wonderful experience we had can't get any better. Kudos to Jacob!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Bryan Chan<\/a>
00:18 08 Sep 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Repair All gone and done it again!!! Stepping up their quality on parts AND accessories! I just got myself a fast charging Otterbox branded wall outlet that works Wonders on my and my daughters' tablets. Highly recommend this location for anything quality. 10 outta 10 rating from me! Thanks again Repair All!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
03:38 04 Sep 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Really impressed by the service at RepairAll. Two gentlemen helped me out right away, two hours before closing. I thought that it would take a couple days to fix my phone, but it only took them about an hour. I paid $397 to replace my entire iPhone screen *perks of having an iPhone ha* (I was unable to use my phone beforehand, the damage was awful) and it works perfectly, as if nothing ever happened!! They take walk-ins!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Samantha Mapalo<\/a>
05:34 02 Sep 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I called before I went and spoke with a very nice young man who told me exactly where they were located! When I got there a young man helped me through the process with such patience and respect. I was able to sell my phones and get the cash right there! And the phone that I wasn\u2019t able to sell, he recycled it for me. I will always go back there for my cell phone needs! I give them an A++!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Prateek0 Loves<\/a>
02:23 16 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I Love this place saved me some money in my pocket.. Great customer service I would highly recommend to everyone.. very satisfied with phone. Thank you Repair All...<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Veronica Carrisalez<\/a>
23:23 06 Aug 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I had dropped my phone and the screen shattered. So I took it to Repair and met Jacob. I was in an anxious state of mind his knowledge of the repairing was exactly what I needed to hear. His welcome and friendly spirit plus knowledge gave meImmediate assurance of my phone being fixed properly \u2026.. I am a satisfied customer\u2026\u2026loving the warranty<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
ReDesha Benjamin<\/a>
23:22 27 Jun 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Just want to say that they repaired my wife\u2019s phone very quickly & used great quality parts! iPhone is good as new now \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc They also provide warranty!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Fernando Sanchez<\/a>
23:30 20 Jun 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Needed my iPhone 7 Plus charger port and. Battery replaced so I scheduled an appointment and had them hold the parts needed since they only had one set left! I got busy that day and wasn\u2019t able to make but went in the next day, and they took it in right away! Got it fixed in about 1 hr! Talk about fast turn around! Will definitely come here again and again !<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
SanQuin Landscaping<\/a>
23:32 16 Jun 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I shut my iPhone in my car door & not only badly cracked the screen, but managed to damage the camera too. Jacob at Repair All was able to fix both the screen & the camera, and he did it fast and was super-friendly. He even installed the replacement screen protector I\u2019d brought from home at no charge because he does it so much better than anyone else!! I highly recommend Repair All! Very knowledgeable and great customer service!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dianne Venzon<\/a>
21:05 16 Jun 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Jacob! You need a repair or have any questions ask for Jacob I mean they\u2019re all great but this guy in particular knew what what wrong with my phone off top my I phone x had a black screen but still worked he knew what it was fixed it in 45min took care of all my questions real professionally. It\u2019s why I like going over there for all my phone problems and the price was right! Good looking out Jacob<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Edward Aparicio<\/a>
02:07 20 May 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Greg was absolutely so helpful and professional. They know their stuff! I'm very happy I went in after reading all these great reviews. Thanks so much Greg again for all of your help!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Chana Sophath<\/a>
17:37 15 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I came here after going to two other places. At one of those places, I even had an appointment. After getting to my appointment at the other place I was treated rudely.This place was awesome. Gregory was an absolute mensch! And Kevin\u2019s kindness was so refreshing, especially after being treated so poorly at the other place. I will come here for all my needs, as they were both timely and affordable.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Lisa Gallego<\/a>
22:10 12 Apr 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My screen is cracked and I went in and I got it done in like 10 minutes and it was quick and easy. It wasn\u2019t too expensive which I liked. I would go here again for my phone or computer.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Elizabeth Pane<\/a>
02:29 16 Mar 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I called repair ALL last minute. I explained what the problem was and the type of phone. They had the part in stock and told me to just come in. I dropped it off and it was ready for pick up in less then 2 hours.Great service, friendly staff. Expensive fix. But worth it. Moral of the story. Buy a good phone case!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tim Sutton<\/a>
04:18 03 Mar 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service. Jesus gave us great attention despite the fact that there was a line forming. He answered allOf our questions, and was very patient and professional. Will be returning for all things cell phone and computer related.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Caitlin Thompson<\/a>
02:46 03 Mar 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great customer service this was my first time there. My phone was fix in less then a hour. It works great I\u2019m very satisfied with there service. I will definitely Recommend his services.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tamika Block<\/a>
00:47 25 Feb 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Troy greeted me when I walked in the door and was able to repair 2 cell phones. Although I was not prepared for the price, he offered a $10 coupon. It helped. Thank you.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Debbi Hopman<\/a>
01:16 23 Feb 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My first experience with Repairall, I thought I needed a new charging port. The employee simply cleaned the charging port(for free) and I was on my way within a minute of walking in. A few months later, I broke my screen twice within a month or so. The first time, I was helped by Gregory. I was helped by Troy the second time. Both times, they had the phone done in under an hour. I paid $120 plus taxes out the door, which is cheaper than I was quoted elsewhere. The screen comes with a year warranty (with exclusions as I found out). This place is the only place I recommend to friends and the only place I use. The shop always has a chill vibe, they offer a variety of screen protectors, phones and cases. Their hours are perfect if you need to go there after work. Whatever you guys are doing, keep it up \ud83d\udc4d<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jonny M<\/a>
02:30 05 Jan 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This was my first time here, And I could say that the service was amazing here. It only took about an hour for me to get my phone repaired and they did an amazing touch up with my screen repair. I do recommend getting your phone fixed here because it\u2019s an amazing company. I do look forward to coming here again!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ciara Crumbly<\/a>
22:18 04 Jan 22<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Jesus fixed my phone in one hour. He knows what he\u2019s doing and picks up his phone always. He always calls back and ensures that you are satisfied. Best professional business in San Joaquin county.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mike M<\/a>
02:55 30 Dec 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were very friendly and fast ! Money well spent. I will refer them to anyone that needs help or their phone fixed! Thank you guys ! You are the best!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ysah Rice<\/a>
07:35 05 Dec 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Troy did an excellent job repairing the auxiliary port on my phone. Just tested it, and it works like new. He was extremely helpful and respectful. I highly recommend going to Troy if you need repairs to your device<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Justin Perazza (GamesPerJustin)<\/a>
02:28 01 Dec 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Troy did an amazing job. He was quick and thorough. He fit me in last minute and I was in and out within 40 minutes! 10\/10 highly recommend \ud83d\udc4cdefinitely gonna refer people there and this will now be my go to place for electronic fixes<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Estalina Hernandez<\/a>
22:08 21 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Troy did an amazing job fixing my phone screen. It was ready super fast. I had an amazing experience and will come back for all my repair needs<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Deanna Hughes<\/a>
23:26 06 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I need a new battery for my phone and they had the battery in stock. They replaced the battery within an hour. They offer great service and were very professional. They even provided tips on how to maintain a batter. That why I am giving them five stars.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jordan Fong<\/a>
21:26 06 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Gregory was superb! Great customer service on the phone and when we got to his shop, we received the same! He was very efficient and made my phone look brand new in 90min!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Melissa Whittock<\/a>
02:24 05 Nov 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Greg was super fast. He was able to replace the batteries on my iPhone X and iPhone 6 in under 30 min and replace the charging port to my iPhone 7 in under an hour. He was very courteous and professional. I am very happy with the service and quality of work he provided and would recommend anyone needing mobile phone repairs to check this place out!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Peter Huie<\/a>
20:06 29 Oct 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The customer service was great! Had my phone screen fixed within 30 minutes with great prices! Would totally go back again.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Remy Tankersley<\/a>
01:54 19 Oct 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Awesome customer service. Jacob is the man. Fast quality service. Great turn around time to get your phone back to you after repairs. Prices are affordable.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Steven Thomas<\/a>
01:22 02 Oct 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This place is great. Jacob he was great on the phone and in person. He did exactly what he told me whats going to happen and the cost did not change. Price are cheap for what they do.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ehab Alhindi<\/a>
19:42 28 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Stockton location, maybe 10 minutes from highway 5. Store is very clean. Owner and staff are friendly and knowledgeable. They do repairs and also sell accessories. No high-pressure sales people. Nice little business.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mike Kugler<\/a>
21:31 02 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Hi this was my first time in your store and I will definitely be back as I have another phone I want to bring in as well. Luis was very knowledgeable and polite making my experience awesome and stress free, I will also be referring my friends to him. Thank you Luis, hard to find good customer service these days.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Susan Benson<\/a>
00:44 01 Sep 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast service - same day to repair your phone screen. Took about 2 hours. Price was competitive. Highly recommend.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tam Truong<\/a>
22:07 20 Jul 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I\u2019m posting this the day of the repair so I can\u2019t vouch for long term results but Luis had my screen repaired in 30 mins and it looks brand new. Works great so far! I got my screen repaired and a screen protector for a total of $100. I got $10 off for being a new customer so take advantage of that discount! Easy and straightforward experience for a competitive price<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Niah Faye<\/a>
05:18 13 Jul 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast, efficient, and affordable service and supplies. Will definitely be returning if I need anything else. Thank you so much.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michael Gutterres<\/a>
20:50 06 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I am beyond amazed at the work that was done and the cost. This was great and Fariz Khan did a great job. He was very attentive and so nice. I will definitely be going back and sending people to him to get their phones fixed.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tronvika Thomas<\/a>
20:21 06 Jun 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> We called the day before and they told us they didnt have the screen available,but he would get it from another store and have it for us the next day. Upon arrival we were greeted at the door and left our phone there a few hours.My only thing was I had to call about 4 to ask if it was completed. No one let me know it was done.Other then that they are super awesome and processed are reasonable compared to other places I called.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
darlene sanchez<\/a>
23:53 22 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> RepairAll was a fantastic experience. The employees were very friendly and very helpful. My repair to my phone was done very quickly. I will definitely use them and recommend them for my electronic repairs<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
samuel rosette<\/a>
22:57 07 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I love this place!! My phone wouldn't turn on it had sand and water and they were able to clean it and get it to work again. Thanks to them I didn't lose my pictures or anything else on my phone. \ud83d\udc9b<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Starz Silva<\/a>
06:12 05 May 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Quick service. Dude working there was nice. Quality service and fair pricing. Would recommend.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Scott Gibson<\/a>
23:20 26 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Repair All was fast in replacing my phone battery. Now my iPhone works like new! No more recharging 3 times a day!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Larry Hernandez<\/a>
21:33 18 Mar 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My phone was not holding a charge for very long. They not only installed a new battery quickly and professionally but also gave me advice on how to better care for my battery. My phone was returned quickly and had been cleaned thoroughly. Very friendly environment and I would definitely use them again<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Chris Pond<\/a>
02:26 10 Jan 21<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I brought my iPhone 6s Plus in for a battery replacement and Fariz was helpful in doing that. I just dropped off my phone and it was ready within 30 minutes. Awesome place.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Adriana Villarreal de Marin<\/a>
03:27 24 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The service was wonderful my son and my mom was treated with respect in a time for the phone to get fixed was awesome I will make them my permanent repair phone place and tell my friends and family about them thank you so much you guys Ali you\u2019re the best \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude0a<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
sylvia moore<\/a>
22:45 21 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They were very easy to work with explained everything and had access to fix phones that other companies did not. I called 10 people before them!Great service and highly recommend<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Diana Flynn<\/a>
02:51 09 Dec 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I went to get my charging port fixed. Not only did he fix my port He told me how it became damaged and his to avoid in the future. Very helpful and professional.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
The Linda Hillman<\/a>
22:19 27 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was so pleased with the work he did on my phone. I feel like I have a new phone. Good service. I will be bringing my lap top for service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Rosie Rangel<\/a>
21:21 18 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> This was the only place in town that had the equipment I needed. They worked fast and very helpful!! Definitely would refer a friend<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Real Life Angel<\/a>
03:19 11 Nov 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Had my phone cracked thanks to RepairAll by finishing my phone in 40 minutes highly recommend here good customer service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
daniel Rodriguez<\/a>
22:55 15 Oct 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It was quick<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Gobler Pineda Jr<\/a>
12:53 16 Sep 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very knowledgeable and quick service!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
John Lagousis<\/a>
18:04 24 Aug 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I took my phone to RepairAll my screen was pretty bad ! They fixed it like brand new in 30min! I recommend them forsure. It was a lot cheaper than me having to purchase a new phone . Thanks<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Andres Zapata<\/a>
21:46 28 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Been here twice for I phones had a excellent visit. During covid19 my visit was quick and felt safe.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Denise Nuanes<\/a>
05:08 16 Jul 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Dropped my phone a week after paying it off and broke the screen. NEVER have I ever...broke a screen. I took it over to RepairALL and Fariz fixed it in about 30 minutes. Made my day. Thank you for your quick service<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kimberly De Soto<\/a>
19:10 24 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I took my iPhone in for a shattered screen. The staff was so helpful and they had the phone fixed in about an hour. I would recommend RepairALL to anyone!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jennifer Mills<\/a>
20:00 18 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast Service. Got My 2 Iphone 11 Pro Max Tempered glass out in in less then 10 mins. Been coming to them since they first opened. Never disappoint.AAAAA++++++<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Jay Cee<\/a>
00:47 06 Jun 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The guy was awesome and got my phone back within 35 min. Satisfied and will go here again.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Yer Lor<\/a>
18:06 21 Apr 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Customer service was very accommodating. Let me know right away it my screen could be fixed and how long. I came back at the given time and it was completed. Would recommend this place to all my friends.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Melly Mel<\/a>
01:06 21 Apr 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My son was really happy with his phone. We had take his phone in to fix the screen. Great customer service. Fast n reliable. Great price also. Would recommend to others. A+++++<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Tee Motuliki<\/a>
18:39 15 Apr 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Very friendly young men, fast service!!I 1st called to make sure they were open and that they had a screen for my Samsung s10 plus. They answered and I made my way there. Once I got there I explained my issue with my phone. The both of them were very reassuring that they could fix it. I'm an essential worker. I drive truck and with out my phone iIwouldn't be able to get loads. I'm very happy with the quick service.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Darlene Sanchez<\/a>
22:59 05 Apr 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I would recommend this store. Fariz is great! He is super friendly and knowledgeable. The prices are reasonable and the service is fast.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Nicole Bickel<\/a>
01:49 14 Mar 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My first time in there, awesome experience and great pricing. I\u2019ll be going back no doubt. Had my iPhone 6s battery replaced \ud83d\udc4d<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Daniel Jennings<\/a>
21:26 29 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I highly recommend coming here.! My phone had water damage and for that reason my screen didn\u2019t want to come on anymore but I would hear the clicks of my power button. I brought it here after Verizon and apple giving me a bunch of false advertising and promises saying they can help me then saying no there\u2019s nothing that can do from like 5different people and just when I was losing hope of all my pictures being lost he go my phone to turn on put a new screen so that I can retrieve all my pictures and videos. He went in cleaned it up and dried up the remaining water. 65$, without the screen being replaced. THANK YOU.!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sabrina Flores<\/a>
05:25 19 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great place to get your phone repaired, next to and icecream shop. Quick, helpful, modern updated shop. Stop by for some friendly services with a quick quote on whatever your electronics needs. Easy to spot out the non ghetto location.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kim Ngim<\/a>
03:21 10 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Always friendly. Fast service and reasonable. I always come here. These guys are great<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
gaby Turner<\/a>
01:53 09 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> These guys are awesome; they had my phone fixed an hour. New battery, new charging port and a new glass protector and now my phone is like new. Another cool thing is they\u2019re open till 8 o\u2019clock in the evening!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
robert lopez<\/a>
03:14 05 Feb 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Affordable price and very quick service. In 20 minutes my phone was fix. I needed to change the screen the whole process was effortless.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Sandra WM<\/a>
02:37 08 Jan 20<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They can fix pretty much anything electronic! They have good prices and fast service. I would recommend over phone insurance any day!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shawn Fernandez<\/a>
17:33 29 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I really thought my phone was beyond repair wires were dangling and all. I called these guys they said sure we can fix it. I wasn\u2019t real hopeful but I thought what do I have to lose. Within one hr I got a call my phone was ready. I said you fixed it? He said yeah and sure enough like new again! These guys are the best! Very honest and up fri t and I especially love the over 40.00 I\u2019ve received in specials for using their service. No one else does that anymore! You guys have a customer for life I will recommend you to all. Thanks again guys!Diane DeAnda<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Diane Rivera<\/a>
10:45 24 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Repair all is the spot to go to if you need any electronics repairs. They fixed my screen and gave me a great deal on a liquid screen protector with an otterbox case. I was very pleased with the way my s9 plus came out. Definitely coming back with any of my repair needs<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Erik MOB-ALOT<\/a>
19:50 11 Dec 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Amazing customer service as always from Irfaaz Ali. He entertained my inquiries on subjects that were helpful to my making a decision on a product that I wanted to purchase. I proudly refer customers to his store because I\u2019m fully confident that Mr. Ali is fully capable of accommodating any customer for any service need. Thank you and Peace be with you.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
19:06 18 Nov 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I walked in and was greeted immediately and got a new iPhone battery installed on the spot in 20 minutes. Very fast and friendly. Definitely going back!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Amy Yates<\/a>
19:04 06 Jan 19<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The staff at the Stockton Store (Pacific Ave) were absolutely awesome. I have had my iPad and iPhone glass replace by them with no issues. I highly recommended this service provider.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ron Sasser<\/a>
16:05 14 Dec 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It was a was a quick 15 minute repair to fix a broken screen on my iPhone, and a better price than the other repair shops in Stockton. Fariz was fast, helpful and friendly. I left with a new screen, a case and a screen protector! They repair lap tops too!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
rene kilpatrick<\/a>
18:47 28 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> It was my first time dealing with this company. I can\u2019t believe they were able to replace my screen. Saved me money on buying a new one. Plus it was ready in less then an hour. They fix IPads too, which is next on my list. Highly recommended. Tom T.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
tom tovar<\/a>
22:24 24 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Love love the customer service provided by the technicians!! The prices are amazing! I was able to get in and out with a new screen in less than 35 minutes! Definitely recommend to all my family and friends !<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
mireya lopez<\/a>
22:36 08 Nov 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Best customer service hands down. I was in n out within 30 minutes with my phone screen repaired. My go to spot!<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Asif Jung<\/a>
03:16 11 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Love this place customer cares on point. The guys are Professionals and Respectful \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udc4c<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
varin khamma<\/a>
17:01 09 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Quick service! Took them about 40 minutes to replace the glass on my shattered iPhone. Smooth, just like new! And can\u2019t beat the price<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michaela Vandenberg<\/a>
22:36 07 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The guy at the AT&T store recommended RepairALL and I was not disappointed. The staff were knowledgeable and friendly. They replaced my battery and ran a diagnostic and i was on my way in a half hour. I will definitely use them when I need a repair in the future<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shelley Crivello<\/a>
19:56 07 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Speedy service and tech was very informative. Great customer service and I will definitely refer my family and friends.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Kimberly Russ-Reite<\/a>
16:28 07 Oct 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I came into the store with a cheap screen that kept messing with my iPhone. Then Ali hooked me up with an awesome deal for my screen and battery replacement. Awesome Customer Service! Highly Recommend!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Andrew Epelstein<\/a>
17:33 19 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> These guys are amazing! They stayed open past their closing time on a Sunday for the sole purpose of fixing my severely handicapped patient\u2019s iPad (which is her only way of communication with others). No other place in town was willing to do the same, even after hearing the circumstances. These guys literally save the day and did so with a smile and great customer service. 100% recommend.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
17:52 03 Sep 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service and excellent customer service. They were very quick and friendly. Definitely will be going here for any repairs<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Megan Madrid<\/a>
15:02 27 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Went in to get my IPhone 6 fixed. The screen was unresponsive and moves as it has its own brain which drives me crazy. I don't want to buy another phone. The tech fixed it within 20 minutes and gave us discount as well. Fast and friendly service and the fact that the screen has lifetime warranty (as long as it does not have crack) I highly recommend this place. My phone is working fine with no problem.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Bev Valerio<\/a>
03:52 13 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Awesome service store with expertise and friendly technicians that are very well trained , certified and prompt response to the customer's needs. Ithey also sell unlocked, reconditioned smartphones at very reasonable prices for what you want. The best part of this is the give you a 6 month warranty. Nobody else in Stockton offers you this incredible safety net that's included in your purchase. I highly recommend you or anyone else for that matter to come here for your cell phone repairs or to purchase a cell with warranty...saving you hundreds of dollars as a result. Be Smart and save money. Trust me, I'm a business man, these guys are awesome and I guarantee that you will have 100% customer satisfaction like I got.Peace & Love to you all<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Daniel Garcia<\/a>
20:18 03 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Absolutely impressive! I\u2019m very clumsy and have probably broke every phone I\u2019ve owned. I\u2019ve had two phones and an IPad repaired here. They\u2019re quick, down to earth, and will repair your phone as if it were brand new.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Richard Caslib<\/a>
16:39 01 Aug 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great service my speaker was broken on my IPhone 6S. Alex handled it like a pro had my phone back under time quoted. It works great. He even went out of his way to clean the speaker filter at no extra charge. Thanks Alex<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Michael Clagg<\/a>
18:43 21 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Had Galaxy s7 battery replaced. Now I'm satisfied thanks to \"RepairALL\". I recommend this place to everyone. Will definitely come back if I need any repair in the future.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Khamphan Phumynavong<\/a>
00:12 20 Jul 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The staff was very helpful and ensured we understood what the issue was after the diagnosis. The prices were reasonable and service was fast. Good place to use for issues in smartphones.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Steven Mayo<\/a>
19:52 24 Jun 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Awesome service and speedy! AT&T offered me a price for my iPhone 6, and this place offered me more. Best part, the waiting chairs are comfortable and they offer free cold water and keurig coffee \ud83d\ude0d!!!!! I\u2019ll be going back.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Angie Allard<\/a>
15:41 17 Jun 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> So glad I tried this place before dropping $1000 on a new iPhone! Walked in at 9am and my phone was ready by 10. Clerk was courteous. Great experience.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Heather Mandujan<\/a>
16:52 23 May 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Repair all is a great and cheap place to get your devices fixed. They are very friendly and professional. I took my iphone to get my charging port fixed and instead of charging me 60-100$ They happily took there time and noticed that I had a bunch of lint in the port, ended up fixing my phone for free. Now I know it was a quick fix but they could\u2019ve easily sent me on my way with 60-100$ bill. Very friendly, very professional and very helpful, I will be going to repair all for all my devices. Thank you very much<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Armando Chavez<\/a>
17:06 15 May 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> came in while the store was busy, so the repair took 2 hours yet customer service was outstanding, he was patient with everyone. He told me to come back at closing, i was a little late he waited and did everything in his power to help me out. If i could rate a 10 \/5 i would, I plan on returning if anything ever happens I HIGHLY RECOMMEND<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
aj campos<\/a>
19:26 30 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I had shattered my iPhone screen on the way back from Vegas this past Sunday. The person that helped me, John, was able to squeeze me in and fix it super fast! Even threw in a screen protector! Great service and extremely helpful.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Angelica C<\/a>
17:15 16 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Awesome service and they did an amazing job with the screen repair. This is my favorite place to go hands down for quick and easy repairs. Will come again I\u2019m sure!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Oscar Borrego<\/a>
16:08 16 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Joe did a great & quick job fixing my phone screen! Literally less than 40 mins. It was completely shattered, I\u2019m so thankful & way better than going to APPLE + waiting 5+ Unnecessary hours. Thanks !<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ariana Ribera<\/a>
18:03 09 Apr 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> These people were professional, timely and very very polite. The work they did on my iPhone was immaculate. They also repaired and recovered data for a business phone for us! They are our new repair techs for our entire company and our family! Respectfully, Lisa Rigsbee<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mama Rigsbee<\/a>
17:09 10 Mar 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I was greeted when I walked in the door the gentleman John was very very knowledgeable and very nice and very courteous with a great big smile. They offer complementary coffee different flavors of coffee at that chips and cookies and really comfortable seating while you\u2019re waiting. John was amazing he fixed my phone in a matter of minutes. I would recommend the store to anybody thanks for the great experience<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mandy Mckissick<\/a>
16:06 03 Mar 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I bought a tempered glass screen protector online from Amazon. I called RepairAll Phone Repair and asked if they would install it for me. Ali (the store manager) said yes he would and would only be $5. This is after I went to BestBuy and asked it they would install the same item. They said it would cost $8, but later refused and said they didn't want to be responsible for the warranty. Except my screen protector came with no warranty.Ali was helpful and courteous, he explained the pros and cons of the screen protector I had chosen. I would definitely come back and skip BestBuy in the future.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Eckorare R<\/a>
20:07 25 Feb 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Walked in, he acknowledged me almost instantly. Said he would help me once he was done. Told him what was wrong with my phone, he said he would have and answer in a little. Overall he was very helpful and friendly. Amazing place to do business, a nice friendly environment<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Escape From Reality<\/a>
18:17 18 Feb 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Walk in - no appointment needed Friendly and knowedable staffComfy chairs while you wait Good suggestive sales - I upgraded to a better glass for my screen P.s. the only downfall was in the reception area - Kurig didn\u2019t work, water cooler dispense didn\u2019t work and stale chips\u2639\ufe0fI still give you a 5\u2b50\ufe0f Simply based on quality of service and the comfy chair while we waited. BTW - give your staff a raise - he is extremely personable and it\u2019s becoming a rarity now days.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Angela Rodriguez<\/a>
19:13 14 Feb 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My screen was not working so I was not able to use my phone and I was going crazy without it \ud83d\ude03 I called repair all and the gentleman that answered the phone told me to come in and he would let me know if it was my screen or internally. He was very honest and friendly. I was in and out of there within 30 minutes with my phone working like the day I bought it. I would definitely recommend this place.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Ashley Rutherford<\/a>
18:09 31 Jan 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Great experience. Walked in, No appointment needed. Good pricing and done within 30 minutes. Will do business again.<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Zach Garcia<\/a>
21:55 04 Jan 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> So far so good. Took less than an hour and I was a walk in - no appointment needed and my iPhone is as good as new. Enjoyed a cup of tea while I waited. Thanks for the great experience.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Mary Bottley<\/a>
15:35 03 Jan 18<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I am one of those idiots who breaks their phone regularly and this place always fixes me up. I'm happy about their new rewards program which gives coupons towards next repair bc lord knows I need it \ud83d\ude44. The guys who work there are easy going and straight forward and have an average price point and wait time.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Shea Clappis<\/a>
22:08 31 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> My son broke his ipad and brought it to these guys they are truly awesome they fix my ipad so fast and it's up and working and my son and I are happy customers definitely will go back good prices, fast service,best customer service thank you guys.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
cristina diaz<\/a>
17:30 20 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> The gentlemen in the shop was very nice and had the best customer service and he made us feel welcomed. My mom and I walked in to get iPhone screen repaired and the wait was only like 20 minutes. My mom was very satisfied with her new screen repair that she even felt like her phone was brand new phone. It was our first time going to One Stop Phone Repair and we were overall very satisfied. I would recommend this place to my friends if they ever need to fix their repaired screen.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Roberto Gallegos<\/a>
21:01 10 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> I have been doing business with One Stop Phone Repair in Stockton since their store opened two years ago.This comowill always go the extra mile to make sure the work was done right and the customer is satisfied.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Bob Santana<\/a>
20:24 04 Dec 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Highly recomment this place . Has great service and respectful employes<\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Xavier Moreno<\/a>
23:32 30 Nov 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> They fixed my sons iPhone 6 with fast efficient service. The guy who helped me was even willing to price match another location giving me the best deal. I will most certainly be returning in the future.<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Laydee Edmond<\/a>
20:52 29 Nov 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Fast and affordable prices! Very welcoming and awesome customer service. Would definitely recommend this shop to family and friends!!!<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
Dinuba OSM<\/a>
05:33 02 Nov 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
<\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/path><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span> Had speaker issue with my Galaxy 6. Told friendly guy there my issue. He said he will clean out my phone which he thought was the issue. If it worked, cost would be $25, if does not fix problem, I pay nothing. He was done in 20 minutes, phone work speaker works great. I was impressed by the place<\/span>read more<\/span><\/span> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/path> <\/g> <\/svg> <\/div> <\/div>
James Burke<\/a>
19:07 22 Sep 17<\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
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